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5 Podcast series
I'm currently day 3 into 5 days of delivering a reset course. This is what i would if i was resetting or starting the process of change. This is perfect for you if you slip or things don't go the way you want to and need to folllow the 5 step process to get you back on track. Then next week over 10 days I'll be releasing the self mastery course on the podcast for you to listen to !! LISTEN ON SPOTIFY LISTEN ON APPLE JB
New comment 2d ago
Gents welcome to the Remember The Mission Circle. A FREE group for high achieving men looking to build their life mission. Please ensure you do the following when joining. ✅ Introduce yourself, what you do, where the opportunities are to improve yourself, what you want out of life. ✅ Go to 'CLASSROOM' and see what's on offer. There is a selection of FREE content for you to get your teeth into. ✅ Drop me a DM and say hi. All great journeys begin with communication. Silence leads to procrastination and a stale life. Lets get to work men JB x
Rescue techniques
I've been in a really negative state over the past few days. Low mood, procrastinating etc... my question is, what techniques do people use to get themselves out of this frame of mind?
New comment 4d ago
I wanted to share this video
Even when you are successful, there’s always another level. That’s what you guys are doing in here
The Bombs 5 white board musts for my week
Afternoon all the Bomb here, hope we are all well and enjoying some of this nice weather. Today i have hit the tread mill and bike than, had to clean out the ice bath, thata workout on its own as i did not get long enough hose the empty it so buckets it has been lol. How many of us have planed out next week, I have a white board with my weeks tasks 1 Has to be Done So this one is a list of 3 things that have to be done, no question. 2 to do list This is a list about 8 things that should be done in week, but if i only get my main 3 done thats an achievement for i can do the others on another day, or at end week 3 extra this is my things i would not normally have in the week like appointment's 4 workouts days I am going to train on, my days are really busy, when at work, and long shifts so I have to listen to my body as much as i can 5 is main days in week. Main days are mine an partners lists for work shifts times at work and times home so we can plan All of this is James Teachings and techniques that i have adapted to my own life style, this works for me, but get your own system in place and work with it.
New comment 6d ago
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Remember The Mission Circle
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