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Prep Night is happening in 7 days
Welcome to the Game Master's Laboratory!
Welcome to the Game Master Laboratory! This is a place for people who are running (or planning) TTRPG games to brainstorm ideas with other GMs, share ideas and resources, and test their creations with each other. I recorded a short video to get you started, which you can view in this post. It's all about what we do here, but it's also about how to use Skool, so if you're new to Skool, make sure to check that out! If we haven't met you yet, we would like to. Please make a post in the "General Discussion" channel to introduce yourself and tell us... 1. Which systems you like to play/run 2. A bit about the games you're running right now Glad you're here. DM us if you have any questions.
New comment Aug 11
Welcome to the Game Master's Laboratory!
Community Guidelines
Please take a glance at these before posting anything---pretty straightforward stuff. Moderators are the final arbiters on how guidelines are applied. Be Respectful: Show due respect to other people. This covers anything from being overly rude to hate speech. Do Not Post Personal Info: Even if you’re comfortable with others knowing your email or other contact info, please don’t post anything of the sort in the discussion channels. Be Supportive: Constructive criticism is welcome. Insulting other people is not. Don’t Pick Fights: If there are issues, bring them to the moderators. Don’t try to battle and hash it out yourself. No Ads: No advertising, including self promotion. Feel free to discuss and talk about things you think are cool or interesting (discussing an upcoming TTRPG, for example, isn’t “advertising” it) but don’t attempt to sell things. Family Friendly: Try to limit foul language to a reasonable amount, and don’t post anything explicit. Legal: Don’t post or share pirated content. Credit Creators and Sources: When you post art, games, or other forms of content, give credit where it’s due.
Questions about goals
I am starting a new campaign this week. I am a little torn about player goals. Has anyone tried doing a set of party goals as well? I am wondering about how to do player goals in a way that the whole party is invested in so that it isn't just a campaign of continuous side quests.
Signed Books!
Hello everyone! To celebrate our switch to the new platform, Jonah and I are going to be sending a signed copy of our book to each of the folks in the top 5 spots on the leaderboard in one month (September 20th). We realized that if people are here, they've probably already read the book lol but you're welcome to keep the signed one and give your old one away, or vice versa! We hope to chat with you in the forum about all things GMing related!
New comment 2h ago
Intro: the Not-yet DM
Salutations! I am a fantasy and sci-fi enthusiast, student of the human condition, collector of easy-to-play instruments, lover of the written and spoken word, wearer of costumes, and nascent TTRPG player (played my first 5E one-shot just over a year ago). I believe TTRPGs are incredible systems for collaborative storytelling. I’m here to soak up knowledge and cut my teeth. I think I’ll enjoy DMing because I enjoy facilitation. I get a thrill from learning, thinking on my feet, and creating conditions that allow others to shine. I won’t ask you how I should start, though I welcome you to share that if you care to. Thank you for being here!
New comment 13h ago
Intro: the Not-yet DM
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Game Master's Laboratory
Game Masters teaching and learning how to run better tabletop role-playing games. One day we hope this group will host the best games in the world!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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