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Game Master's Laboratory

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50 contributions to Game Master's Laboratory
How do you like your RPG books to be released?
So as I glance at my shelf I notice that aside from my first system ever (DND 3.5) I have almost exclusively gravitated to games that you can get off the ground with single book. Rather than players guide, a DMSs guide and a monster manual, I would rather a heavy tome like you get with Stars Without Number or Lancer, a novel sized rpg, or a even a little Zine. I got Rifts at Gencon in 2023, mostly because the guy in the booth seemed real cool, but also for the promise that all the old splat books work with this new editions (which payed off since I have been traveling to different old media stores and have been able to find at least three older splats for under 10 dollars). If you were to pick up 5 new rpgs over the next year or two, what release format would be best for you?
New comment 1d ago
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@Shane K I also am torn between size formats. I like my big books for reference, but the smaller books are more comfortable to actually read.
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@Shane K I also think with our multisystem knowledge, we don't need all of those tools anymore. I am looking for novel ideas, and implementations and that can even be found in one page rpgs at times.
Intro: the Not-yet DM
Salutations! I am a fantasy and sci-fi enthusiast, student of the human condition, collector of easy-to-play instruments, lover of the written and spoken word, wearer of costumes, and nascent TTRPG player (played my first 5E one-shot just over a year ago). I believe TTRPGs are incredible systems for collaborative storytelling. I’m here to soak up knowledge and cut my teeth. I think I’ll enjoy DMing because I enjoy facilitation. I get a thrill from learning, thinking on my feet, and creating conditions that allow others to shine. I won’t ask you how I should start, though I welcome you to share that if you care to. Thank you for being here!
New comment 13h ago
Intro: the Not-yet DM
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@Paula Endicott Solid! Do you plan on running those or waiting till the full release?
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@Paula Endicott Heck yeah!
ideas for a Moral Dilemma
I'm introducing a monster into my campaign that is from a Fantasy Novel my players and I are fond of, (it's the Mortiwraith from The Door Within) and one of its abilities is that it can see the true intent of anything in its vicinity. They are often very wise, and relatively good natured, so it's normal for them to test the moral integrity of potential allies. I'm intending to run a small vignette between modules where they help a living skeleton fulfil a dying promise, and the Mortiwraith sees this, so it decides to test the party with a small moral dilemma to reveal their integrity. If they succeed, they will gain a strong ally (though not a party member since Mortiwraiths die in the sunlight) I'm just a bit strapped for ideas. I thought of having it lead them to a starving family of kittens but that's kind of an easy one. But I don't want to give them the trolley problem that most superheroes face either. Can anyone help?
New comment 2d ago
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Also just came across a Ginny Di video that explains there is a section of this in the DND 5e dms guide (as part of a video talking about no one reads the DMs guide.) 5:45 Moral Quandaries
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@James Willetts Why thank you!
Playing GMless
I’d love to hear your experiences and advice… my group has recently started playing GMless and I’d like to get the other players to take more control of the narrative and mechanics. We’ve been gaming together off and on for 35 years, starting with AD&D2e and playing a PbtA hack more regularly over the last 10 years. I’ve been the forever DM but moved into a facilitator role in the past year, trying to play and avoid burn out. My group is great about being flexible and creative, but they don’t take the reins. I still need to prompt and manage the rules. One thought is for everyone to take specific responsibilities for aspects of the world or rules or roles, but I think that would need greater codification of when to do X. What tips or tricks do you have for running GMless or even sharing/alternating GM duties?
New comment 2d ago
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I think finding games where its baked in really helps. It's a wild one but I was supposed to run Good Society which is the Jane Austen roleplaying game, but we had a lot player count so I ran the quasi gmless version and it was a blast. I took a lot from that that I plan to use in other games. I treat games more like collections of rules, and advice that I crib than a single discrete system now a days and it has helped me with DMing all around
Advice on running a Western
We just had our session 0 where we decided on the game we wanted, and it sounds like a D&D Western is where we are headed. I guess the Dark Tower series was the inspiration for one of the players. I am curious if anyone has any advice on running a western or if they have done so and what the take aways were.
New comment 3d ago
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It's funny I realized not too long ago that Western is one of the few genres I don't think we've done in my group either. I've come to believe in deconstructing genres based on themes. I spoke about it before but I feel like you aren't playing a Star Wars game if you're not somehow fighting or living under the threat of fascism, and I feel like high fantasy often requires a sense of scale to the conflict even if you are just one domino. It's interesting to think of what I would consider is the core of a western story. I see where @Tyler Ezell spoke of prospecting. I wonder if we can break this down even further, and think about the promise of any huge payoff, knowing that you'll be in a lawless place. Also I can't help but think about fievel goes West
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Briggs Schneider
350points to level up
The too many systems guy/

Active 5h ago
Joined Aug 9, 2024
Nashville, TN
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