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Hi all hope everyone in well and training diligently as always, I recently discovered this website that has some great articles about structure and form from Sigung Cho Shong Tin, that may bring some understanding to anyone that is struggling like I was in understanding the mechanics of some things 👍
New comment Jul 31
3 likes • Jul 30
Also look in the ‘ kung fu Blog ‘ Section for a few more interesting articles by other practitioners about structure and force etc 💯
My Wing Chun Games Experience...
In his post the other day ( @Sifu John Cogan asked for a comment on what my experiences were as a winner in previous Wing Chun Games. I joined the Wing Chun Family in May, around the 15th of the month and was very keen to get stuck in, so I started with a few of the foundations videos and made a few posts. Then Sifu announced that the next games would be commencing on the 10th of June and I knew I had to take part. So whilst I joined around the 15th of May, I have to say that come the start of the games, I was still very much a beginner in Wing Chun and the principles of The State, its components and application. When the games started it was all very new to me, I had watched some of the videos in the foundations section and really enjoyed what Sifu was supplying. What I got to experience since has been out of this world, for the four weeks of the games I totally immersed myself in the curriculum, watching on average twenty videos a day and soaking up as much Kung Fu goodness as possible. Not long before coming in to this group I had had a really rough year, I barely got to see my kids, I had times when I was truly broken and I was starting to improve and look forward in life to what was possible, the immersion in these teachings has truly revolutionised my life, my energy levels and how I view myself and all I had to do, was listen to Sifu. I know aside from that I have met some truly amazing, kind, warm, generous and genuine people along the way, people I now not only call friend, but also Brother and Sister, these are people from all over the world who have stood together to compete in these games, cheering one another on, sharing their wisdom, truly being there to guide on another when it is neccesary. From competing in the games, I learned about myself, I learned more about how I view the world, I learned how beneficial sinking and letting go can be to not just your martial skill but to your whole life.
New comment Jul 14
4 likes • Jul 14
Well said brother 💯 I think we can all relate to that in our way and path in life, it is certainly a joy in my heart also to be able to join with like minded people and be a part of something that is so beneficial to all, much gratitude to Sifu John and all members for making this community happen 👍👍
☯️ My deepest spiritual experience ☯️
Last night I had a major spiritual experience, So it started by me overheating myself (I was experimenting with self heating using the fire element and let it get out of control) Then @Sifu John Cogan and I went to put some clothes and books into a charity bin, And I made myself back to a normal temperature! 😁 Following this, when we got into the car and we started driving, an overwhelming sense of joy, peace and unconditional love washed over me, During the overwhelming sense of unconditional love, I ate two pieces of salmon sashimi and it was like an explosion of flavour, the best thing I have ever eaten It was like the lenses which I saw the world through were swapped, no longer seeing everything in the physical realm but seeing everything vibrationally and energetically I was in complete alignment with this sense for 30 minutes, when it started to calm down from the super overwhelming sense of joy, peacefulness and unconditional love and went to lay down, I felt like I had just had 2 energy drinks, no tiredness left in my body I had let it go, ( i will make a post about letting go of tiredness) And about 10 minutes after this, I started to feel waves of energy flow through my body, imagine you are in the ocean, floating on the water feel those waves on your body, on your skin Now take away your physical body and feel the waves waves go through your body, And with each wave release all of the tensions in your body energetic and physical that is how it felt This lasted for about 2 minutes Next, @Sifu John Cogan was explaining that your spiritual intention is like pointing to the sun, The sun being your spirit, and your finger which is used to point at the sun being your intention Meaning as you point to the sun, the suns rays shine back at you, As he said this I looked up and a humongous ray of unconditional love hit me and kept shining down on me for 30 seconds, It’s quite difficult to explain the feeling but it is like sun bathing in your spiritual intention, it was amazing
14 members have voted
New comment Jul 12
☯️ My deepest spiritual experience ☯️
7 likes • Jul 12
Once ages ago while lying in bed affirming ‘ I am the Buddha ‘ over and over eventually I experienced a vision/experience of myself in a state of calmness as my physical body was blown gently away like fine powder in the wind leaving me im a feeling of blissful peace and tranquility that have not been able to repeat since 👍
🌕 👈 Like A Finger Pointing To The Moon 👉🌙
Your spiritual intention is like a pointer, it points (with your mind) to the overall quality which you wish to be in the world. Some examples of this are joy, love, power, kindness, prosperity, freedom, courage and so on. Simply put they are uplifting in both vibration and the emotion that comes with it. However the intention really aims beyond the mind and into the spirit. “Infusing the spirit into the centre” is the sensing of one’s centre (tailbone to crown) whilst being in alignment with your spirit. This can be known by the emotional quality you are feeling, in simple terms feel good as you sense your centre. As you feel good in your centre there is a deeper alignment with your spirit, if you do not feel good then the level of alignment is less. Meaning you cannot detach fully from it, but you can restrict the flow of it to your experience by thinking away from it, eg thoughts of separation, fear, anger, guilt, shame and so on. So to align with the spiritual intention is essentially to align with your spirit, your spiritual nature. Through alignment, intention, attention and letting go one can come to know this through direct experience. Make this a priority in your training and watch your skill, power and joy in life skyrocket. What’s your spiritual intention?
9 members have voted
New comment Jul 13
🌕 👈 Like A Finger Pointing To The Moon 👉🌙
2 likes • Jul 12
These daily reminders are awesome 💯 Thank you Sifu
🏆Who Wants To Win A Wing Chun Dummy? ENROLMENT HAS BEGUN
THE THIRD WING CHUN GAMES ENROLMENT HAS BEGUN!! We are looking for 300 people to step up for the Wing Chun Games, once there are 300 the games will commence. To win you must train as much as you can to earn points, which you log in the comments section of The Wing Chun Family. Prizes are: 🏆 1st Place: A Wing Chun Wooden Dummy ($2000+ Value) 🥈2nd Place: Practice Butterfly Swords & The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($300+ Value) 🥉3rd Place: Practice Butterfly Swords & The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($300+ Value) 4th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) 5th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) 6th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) 7th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) 8th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) 9th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) 10th Place: The Wing Chun Family Unbuyable Merch ($150+ Value) The investment to enter is $11. Currently there are 20 competitors enrolled for the 3rd Wing Chun Games: Darren Ellis @Darren Ellis Corianne Kwan @Corianne Kwan Matthew Nguyen @Matthew Nguyen Vinay Rathee @Vinay Rathee Jennifer Ma @Jennifer Ma Jess Mills @Jess Mills Chase Rocco @Chase Rocco Albert Lopez @Albert Lopez Abhi A @Abhi A Jamal Strickland @Jamal Strickland Dom Pedlar @Dom Pedlar Martin Griffin @Martin Griffin dAVE Carrick @dAVE Carrick Odd Ueland @Odd Ueland
32 members have voted
New comment Jul 15
🏆Who Wants To Win A Wing Chun Dummy? ENROLMENT HAS BEGUN
2 likes • Jul 11
Awesome Im in 💪
1-10 of 30
Martin Griffin
115points to level up
Marty studied WC under Sifu Jim Fung in Australia

Active 18h ago
Joined May 24, 2024
Adelaide South Australia
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