My Wing Chun Games Experience...
In his post the other day ( asked for a comment on what my experiences were as a winner in previous Wing Chun Games.
I joined the Wing Chun Family in May, around the 15th of the month and was very keen to get stuck in, so I started with a few of the foundations videos and made a few posts.
Then Sifu announced that the next games would be commencing on the 10th of June and I knew I had to take part.
So whilst I joined around the 15th of May, I have to say that come the start of the games, I was still very much a beginner in Wing Chun and the principles of The State, its components and application.
When the games started it was all very new to me, I had watched some of the videos in the foundations section and really enjoyed what Sifu was supplying.
What I got to experience since has been out of this world, for the four weeks of the games I totally immersed myself in the curriculum, watching on average twenty videos a day and soaking up as much Kung Fu goodness as possible.
Not long before coming in to this group I had had a really rough year, I barely got to see my kids, I had times when I was truly broken and I was starting to improve and look forward in life to what was possible, the immersion in these teachings has truly revolutionised my life, my energy levels and how I view myself and all I had to do, was listen to Sifu.
I know aside from that I have met some truly amazing, kind, warm, generous and genuine people along the way, people I now not only call friend, but also Brother and Sister, these are people from all over the world who have stood together to compete in these games, cheering one another on, sharing their wisdom, truly being there to guide on another when it is neccesary.
From competing in the games, I learned about myself, I learned more about how I view the world, I learned how beneficial sinking and letting go can be to not just your martial skill but to your whole life.
I know I have made some lifelong friends during the games, that I will gladly call family, that above all else is worth joining for.
The other side affects may include a rapid improvement in all aspects of your life, feeling absolutely fucking amazing all the time, peace of mind, not to mention that you could learn a new skill that could one day save your life or the life of someone you love.
If you are sitting on the fence about taking part, I recommend you hit that button and do it, because the experience, the banter, the camaraderie and the experiences you take from it are like nothing else you will experience.
So what are you wainting for? I want someone to come and smash my score!
Peace, Love & Kung Fu,
Adam Marlow
My Wing Chun Games Experience...
The Wing Chun Family
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