Some might say Bruce Lee was the father of mixed martial arts, and that he was one of the most fluid, loose, and fast martial artist in known history. Others say that Lee was a person who simply did, “real kung fu.” Bruce inspired me to start doing martial arts when I was 9 years old, and I believe that he is an absolute legend! Bruce was an extremely respectable martial artist with admirable discipline and dedication. Yet, Bruce Lee was still a mortal man. Just like us he was flawed, fallible, and tried his best to get along in this world the best he could. Before passing away at 32 years old, he wrote four amazing books that brought inspiration to millions around the world. One of his lesser known works is “Striking Thoughts. Wisdom for Daily Living.” In an effort to create thought provoking observational points of view through our One Tao Community, I am going to start posting excerpts from “Striking Thoughts,” in an attempt “strike” up dialogue about Bruce’s“thoughts.” Be they profound, or superficial…pertinent, or irrelevant…fair, or biased…Bruce was a man of vision who started a movement in loving awareness surrounding martial art discipline that continues to this day. Please join me in this journey to acknowledge, analyze, and explore Bruce Lee’s “Striking Thoughts” in a fun, open, and honest forum. HERE WE GO!!