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The Wing Chun Family

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One Tao Kung Fu Academy

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58 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
28 Day Meditation Challenge🧘🏽‍♂️
Jai Sat Chit Ananda, One Tao Clan! I am finally found the opportunity to start posting my 28 day meditation journal and check in🎉 Similar to last month I will be combining the posts of the monthly challenge with my daily training journal. “ 28 day” implementations and goal intention achievements will be marked with a “🧘🏽‍♂️” Intention for the 28 Day Challenge will adapt as I progress through the month, and complete my manifesto. Lifestyle implementations will continue from last month’s Health Challenge. Though, I have decided to add a couple new “strive goals” as directed by Sifu’s curriculum, and inspired by some others within the One Tao Clan. Some of these new implementations include: ~ Digesting the information, and following the curriculum of the “28 Day Meditation Challenge & Self Mastery Blueprint.” ~ Deepening my personal meditation practice, and expanding my teaching practice. ~ Adding personally specific Affirmations & Mantras to my daily focus ~ Returning Pull-ups to my daily physical routine ~ Immersing myself even deeper into the One Tao Training and community, including applying to, and hopefully beginning, OTKFA teacher training! So stoked to make September my most fulfilling month this year!!
New comment 3h ago
28 Day Meditation Challenge🧘🏽‍♂️
1 like • 12h
@Dave Ellis I have been very inspired as of late. Hoping to keep the train rolling for as long as I can 🚂 I think I have crossed the line into habitual now though, which helps🤙🏽🤓
0 likes • 3h
Training & Meditation Challenge Journal 9/17/24🧘🏽‍♂️ DAILY MANTRA: “Follow your heart and pursue your passions; they will lead you to your true purpose.” ~ Xavier Rudd🧘🏽‍♂️ 6am: Cold Shower 💦 Morning Aarti ~ Surya/Chandra Bedha Pranyama ~ Clarity Meditation🧘🏽‍♂️ 7am: Teach Vinyasa (Bhujangasana Series)🧘🏽‍♂️ 10am: Teach Tai Chi Long Form🧘🏽‍♂️ 1pm: One Tao Clasroom ~ Punching w Sensing ~ Sensing Guard Walking ~ Sensing Centering Intention ~ Sinking Theory & Looking🧘🏽‍♂️ 1:30pm: One Tao State Meditation ~ Siu Nim Tao ~ Alignment and Intention🧘🏽‍♂️ 4:30pm: Give Pranassage 🧘🏽‍♂️ 6pm: Punch Training 7pm: Teach Partner Straight Sword 🧘🏽‍♂️ 8pm: Shifting Pull up reps to actual Rock Climbing in preparation for local competition (2hrs)🧘🏽‍♂️ 10:30pm: intention Meditation/ Bed 🧘🏽‍♂️ Completed 5x5 Meditations🧘🏽‍♂️ Daily H2O Intake: 135oz (4L)
Fascia and the energy body.
New comment 4h ago
Fascia and the energy body.
2 likes • 11h
This is a song my Tai Chi Master wrote 🤣
0 likes • 4h
Precisely. That is exactly his message. Fighting the nature of gravity pointless. Surrendering to the nature of gravity is the practice.🙏🏽💫🌊 He is a comedic song writer…and it just wouldn’t have had much to it if he stopped at one verse🤣 🎶
BELLOWS BREATH (Bhastrika Pranayama)
The Bellows Breath is a pranayama used to relieve lethargy or foggy mind. A short minute of this breathing exercise can recharge your system at anytime during your practice. As compared to the Breath of Fire, which is a forceful exhalation and a passive inhalation, the Bellows Breath is a forceful inhalation and exhalation, often combined with a specific bodily movement. Most often it is used with a movement of the arms up and down, as you inhale and exhale. PRACTICE • Nostrils need to be clean. • Sit in a kneeling position or easy cross legged position on your sitz bones. • As you take a full inhalation, raise your arms straight up towards the sky. (The arms once extended upward are in line with your ears.) • On a forceful, or dynamic exhalation bring the arms back down to your waist line. • As you practice you may discover your head wants to move up and down as well. Keep it as still as you can, with chin parallel to the ground and neck long. •Once you have the technique, close your eyes as you practice. Develop your practice gradually, beginning with just a few rounds of inhalations and exhalations, and then resting. As your respiratory system and circulatory system get accustomed to the effects, they will allow you to increase the number of rounds without causing any stress. (Stress in this pranayama would be experienced as hyperventilation, which is not the intention of this pranayama. If this occurs simply, bring your head lower than your heart and relax. Next time do fewer rounds. Fewer rounds with consistent practice is more beneficial than long rounds done inconsistently.) BENEFICIAL EFFECTS • Relieves lethargy. • Clears mind. • Nice preparation for alternate nostril breathing as it oxygenates the system which supports longer inhalations, longer exhalations and longer holdings. CONTRAINDICATIONS • Schizophrenia and other mental imbalances. • Pregnancy, unless mother has been practicing this regularly before pregnancy. • Menstruation. • Chronic respiratory imbalances.
Fear vs Courage...
Fear is a reaction... Courage is a decision...!
New comment 4h ago
4 likes • 11h
What's the most unique or interesting thing you've collected over the years?
I have a humble collection of crystals which I display on my "altar" 💖 I find that their energies help me heal and grow - physically, mentally and spiritually. I also try to incorporate simple rituals to cleanse and recharge them once in a while (like washing them over salt water from the ocean, or bathing them under the moonlight glow) ✨ What about you guys? Feel free to share why you've developed an interest to what you collect 😉
New comment 3h ago
What's the most unique or interesting thing you've collected over the years?
2 likes • 11h
I would definitely have to say my sense of humor🤡 I don’t know if it’s always interesting to others? But it’s interesting to me…and assuredly unique 🤣😂🤣
1-10 of 58
T.j. Thompson
104points to level up
Surrenderer🌊Waterman, Listener, Learner, Teacher, Breather, Brother, Observer, Yogi, Tai Chi~Karaté~Kick Dance~Kung Fu-er…Let’s do this🤜🏽🫷🏽❣️

Active 2h ago
Joined Jun 29, 2024
Ashland, Oregon
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