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The Wing Chun Family

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One Tao Kung Fu Academy

Private • 58 • $109/m

4 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
Where is your favourite place to practice?
I like parks… how about you?
New comment Jul 28
Where is your favourite place to practice?
🌕 👈 Like A Finger Pointing To The Moon 👉🌙
Your spiritual intention is like a pointer, it points (with your mind) to the overall quality which you wish to be in the world. Some examples of this are joy, love, power, kindness, prosperity, freedom, courage and so on. Simply put they are uplifting in both vibration and the emotion that comes with it. However the intention really aims beyond the mind and into the spirit. “Infusing the spirit into the centre” is the sensing of one’s centre (tailbone to crown) whilst being in alignment with your spirit. This can be known by the emotional quality you are feeling, in simple terms feel good as you sense your centre. As you feel good in your centre there is a deeper alignment with your spirit, if you do not feel good then the level of alignment is less. Meaning you cannot detach fully from it, but you can restrict the flow of it to your experience by thinking away from it, eg thoughts of separation, fear, anger, guilt, shame and so on. So to align with the spiritual intention is essentially to align with your spirit, your spiritual nature. Through alignment, intention, attention and letting go one can come to know this through direct experience. Make this a priority in your training and watch your skill, power and joy in life skyrocket. What’s your spiritual intention?
9 members have voted
New comment Jul 13
🌕 👈 Like A Finger Pointing To The Moon 👉🌙
🎆 Siu Nim Tau - Article By My Master 🏹
Siu Nim Tau is the basic form of Wing Chun. It comprises three specialties: (1) No need to exert force; (2) It possesses the strongest structure with the minimum use of energy; (3) It induces the release of mind force from a person. Learning Siu Nim Tau is divided in to three stages. Firstly, one must relax the muscles of the whole body. Then, he should infuse the spirit into the spine so that it is maintained straight. Contracting the anus is also important because it can help different parts of the body to form a unified structure. The second stage is to practise in a completely relaxed state. When one is fully acquainted with all the moves, he should practise every move with the mind to initiate the movement without paying attention to whether the move is correct or not. He must ensure that every movement is initiated by the mind and not by the muscle. After completing the training of the above two stages, it now comes to practise the main point of Siu Nim Tau. This is to learn how to release the mind force and the familiarization of the automatic reaction applying to fighting. Expressing this kind of technique on paper is just like inventing a theory without experiment. One will not believe it unless he has experienced such techniques. Luckily, with the assistance of the video, a Wing Chun learner can have a chance to fully understand the techniques. The important points of Siu Nim Tau can be grouped as follows: 1. The structure of the moves 2. The moves to be controlled by the mind 3. The input of mind force 4. The theory of center line (1) The structure of the moves (a) The basic concept is to utilize the rotation of a circle to generate the force and to tolerate any force applied externally. This is due to the fact that anything of the same mass when in a circular shape can tolerate heavier force applied externally and generate greater driving force with minimum energy than in any other shape. The 'Tan Sau', 'Bong Sau' and 'Fook Sau' of Siu Nim Tau are the obvious examples of applying the principle of circular motion. The practical use is to let the opponent's wrist contact on the internal side or external side of the circle. From Tan Sau to Bong Sau is to let the opponent's wrist from the internal side of the circle go to the external side of the circle go to the internal side of the circle. Fook Sau is to use the external side of the circle to contact the opponent's wrist.
New comment Jul 4
🎆 Siu Nim Tau - Article By My Master 🏹
3 likes • Jul 2
What are your thoughts on this article by my Master?
😊 How Good Is Kung Fu!!!!??? 😍
Please describe how good kung fu is in the comments 🤩
New comment Jun 15
😊 How Good Is Kung Fu!!!!??? 😍
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Wing Chun Kung Fu
31points to level up
Wing Chun Kung Fu is a way of being in the world

Active 4d ago
Joined Feb 29, 2024
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