☯️ My deepest spiritual experience ☯️
Last night I had a major spiritual experience,
So it started by me overheating myself (I was experimenting with self heating using the fire element and let it get out of control)
Then and I went to put some clothes and books into a charity bin, And I made myself back to a normal temperature! 😁
Following this, when we got into the car and we started driving, an overwhelming sense of joy, peace and unconditional love washed over me,
During the overwhelming sense of unconditional love, I ate two pieces of salmon sashimi and it was like an explosion of flavour, the best thing I have ever eaten
It was like the lenses which I saw the world through were swapped, no longer seeing everything in the physical realm but seeing everything vibrationally and energetically
I was in complete alignment with this sense for 30 minutes, when it started to calm down from the super overwhelming sense of joy, peacefulness and unconditional love and went to lay down,
I felt like I had just had 2 energy drinks, no tiredness left in my body I had let it go, ( i will make a post about letting go of tiredness)
And about 10 minutes after this, I started to feel waves of energy flow through my body, imagine you are in the ocean, floating on the water feel those waves on your body, on your skin
Now take away your physical body and feel the waves waves go through your body,
And with each wave release all of the tensions in your body energetic and physical that is how it felt
This lasted for about 2 minutes
Next, was explaining that your spiritual intention is like pointing to the sun,
The sun being your spirit, and your finger which is used to point at the sun being your intention
Meaning as you point to the sun, the suns rays shine back at you,
As he said this I looked up and a humongous ray of unconditional love hit me and kept shining down on me for 30 seconds,
It’s quite difficult to explain the feeling but it is like sun bathing in your spiritual intention, it was amazing
And the last major experience of the night, was
Feeling this super comfortable warm feeling, like a heated blanket with no blanket,
Imagine the feeling of a puppy’s belly, it is nice, soft and worm it is a very comfortable feeling
Imagine that feeling on your whole back, that is what it was like
Anyways, Thank you for reading and have a blessed day (or night) my brothers and sisters 😁🙏✝️
My turn! 😁
I love sashimi 🍣
14 votes
Noah Cogan
☯️ My deepest spiritual experience ☯️
The Wing Chun Family
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