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Introduce yourself to our community 💪🏽 
Starting your fitness journey can be confusing, lonely, and many times you'll want to give up. The good news is you don't have to go at it alone. Our community is filled with like-minded guys who are on the same path as you. To gain accountability and connect with others, introduce yourself below: 1. Your name 2. Your biggest sticking point with the gym 3. What you hope to achieve by joining Training Arc School
New comment 2d ago
Introduce yourself to our community 💪🏽 
Sankalp’s 4 Month Transformation
Congrats to our brother Sankalp Adonis on his impressive 4-month body transformation at just 16! After practicing the advice in this community and staying consistent, his results speak for themselves. "Thanks Owen. Without your help and guidance this will not be possible for me to do. Guys, just put in the hard work, and you will see results 🙌."
New comment Feb 3
Sankalp’s 4 Month Transformation
John's 4 month gym transformation!
Congrats to @John Guichay on his impressive 4-month body transformation! John reached out to me in February, and I created a personalized plan to help him build muscle and burn fat. After following the plan and cleaning up his diet, the results speak for themselves. "Thanks a lot, Owen! I've been going to the gym constantly, eating good, and hitting my protein goals. I'm going to keep going." P.S. If you need help getting started with a personalized plan, send me a message.
John's 4 month gym transformation!
Understanding the Skinny Fat Body Type
Hey everyone, I’ve been reading a lot about the "skinny fat" body type and wanted to share what I’ve learned. Essentially, it describes someone who appears slim but has a high body fat percentage, especially around the midsection. If you're struggling with this, don’t worry – it’s quite common. The key is to focus on both diet and exercise. Incorporating strength training along with a balanced diet can help reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Cardio alone might not be enough. Anyone here have experience with this? What strategies have worked for you?
New comment 6d ago
Why you should adopt an alter ego
Have you ever had any of these thoughts about yourself? - I feel like an imposter. - I have bad genetics. - I’m lazy. These lies are known as self-limiting beliefs. They can infect your mind, causing you to procrastinate and forget about your goals. If you don’t put a leash on them, you will either end up: 1. Quit the gym 2. Achieve average results and feel dissatisfied Unfortunately, getting rid of these thoughts can take a while (CBT therapy, journaling, shadow work). So, what can you do right now? Adopt an alter ego. Think of a physique that you admire. I always wanted to be like Killmonger from Black Panther. He had broad shoulders, huge chest, and was cocky as hell. So I started telling myself, “I’m Killmonger” every time I lifted. Immediately, my gym anxiety went away. I started walking with great posture, and hitting new PR’s consistently. My form magically improved by 200%. I really started thinking I could lift as much as Killmonger! After 1 year of adopting this mindset, I transformed my physique, which has been truly life changing. Ironically, many successful people adopt an alter ego in their game. Kobe became the Black Mamba. Bo Jackson turned into Jason from Friday the 13th. If it worked for them, it can definitely work for you and me. Action step: Next time you’re in the gym and you encounter self-limiting beliefs, embody another person. You are an actor in a play. Play your part right, and you’ll reap massive results. P.S: If you are interested in: - a personalized workout plan tailored to your schedule and available equipment - calorie tracker and weight tracker (Notion template) - 3 bonus fitness guides (Notion template) DM me the word “PLAN”
Why you should adopt an alter ego
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