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Starting your fitness journey can be confusing, lonely, and many times you'll want to give up. The good news is you don't have to go at it alone. Our community is filled with like-minded guys who are on the same path as you. To gain accountability and connect with others, introduce yourself below: 1. Your name 2. Your biggest sticking point with the gym 3. What you hope to achieve by joining Training Arc School
New comment 2d ago
Introduce yourself to our community 馃挭馃徑聽
Hello brothers mannan here just wanted to let you know if didn't here but I love you you are the best don't stop because I believe you and i know you guys will be there for me if I fall you guys will save me and i if you you don't trust yourself i do bye and text me if you are not feeling well
Skinny fat 馃憥 OWEN BLAIR: REALITY.
"So, I recently came across Owen's skinny fat course, and it got me thinking about my own fitness journey. I've been lifting weights for about 8 months now, but I haven't been consistent with my workouts. Despite my efforts, I haven't seen much muscle growth in my body. However, I did manage to reduce my body fat percentage from 25% to 18% during this time. Now, I find myself stuck at 18% body fat, which puts me in the skinny fat category. At the moment, I'm considering focusing on cardio to cut down on fat before I turn 16 and can start going to the gym. Unfortunately, my parents don't allow me to go to the gym at the age of 14. This has led to a sense of frustration and distrust towards any fitness advice I come across. Over the past couple of months, my training has been inconsistent, and with school starting on May 26th, I know I won't be able to work out consistently for the next two years due to the demands of 10th grade, which is a crucial year for students in India due to important exams. I've been trying to follow the advice provided in various resources, including Owen's guide for skinny fat individuals. However, I've noticed that the advice given by different sources, including YouTubers, tends to be quite similar. I've tried implementing strategies like body recomposition, consuming above maintenance calories, and following workout routines like push/pull/leg or bro split. I've even incorporated protein shakes into my morning routine to support muscle growth, but I've started noticing an increase in my weight and my face appearing chubbier. This has made me anxious about gaining fat, as I'm all too familiar with the challenges of burning it off. Consequently, I've stopped drinking protein shakes again in hopes of avoiding unwanted weight gain. If Owen happens to come across this comment, I want to express my gratitude for his efforts and guidance. Thank you, Owen, for providing valuable insights into fitness and helping individuals like me navigate through our fitness journeys.
New comment May 13
Skinny fat
Diet: Maintainance calorie:2000/per day Protein:95gram Age:14 Male will this help me transform from skinny fat to muscular?
New comment May 12
Help staying consistent
Hey if anyone鈥檚 down I could really use a accountability partner
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