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14 contributions to Training Arc School
Glow Up Transformation
Heys guys, just wanted to let you know that wherever you are on your fitness journey, just know that as long as you don’t give up you will get there. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Here’s my transformation:
New comment 24d ago
Glow Up Transformation
3 likes • 25d
Fire transformation bro
Bulk Or Continue Recomp?
Like the title says, I been doing weighted workouts out consistently for the past three months and was on a recomp for the first two months and for the last month I’ve been on a cut. This is my first time watchin calorie intake + longest ive been consistent working out so I’m not sure on where to go from the progress Ive made & wanted to see if I was good to bulk from anybody whos had experience startin skinny fat. Appreciate yall in advance🫡 (First two pics are from March. 3rd + 4th Pics are from last week.)
New comment 24d ago
Bulk Or Continue Recomp?
2 likes • 25d
Yo congrats bro consistency is the hardest and most important fitness skill. That being said I would go on a mini bulk for 3 weeeks then go into a cut for 1 to 2 weeks and repeat hope that helps
Hi, my name is Seann and I've been on and off with my fitness journey for over 2 years. I am currently weighing in at 75kg (165.35 lb), 5'5 feet tall. I've always dreamed of having a lean and muscular body but always made excuses that I didn't have "time" because of school when in all honesty it was because I was just lazy. I'm posting this here in hopes of getting a help in hand through this journey. QUESTIONS: 1. If I did a recomp diet (maintenance calories) when do I start changing my diet to a cut? 2. What does Owen mean by "2 warm up sets and 2 working sets" in detail? (i dont get it how he said it in the video) 3. When should I be eating my meals? (I'm already planning meal plans which consist of a breakfast, lunch (school) and dinner. 4. Should I eat before or after working out? What do I eat before a workout? What do i eat after a workout? 5. When should I be adjusting my calorie intake when I lose fat?
New comment 20d ago
4 likes • 25d
Hey @Seann Manila not an expert but hope this helps I would start by understanding what maintenance calories look like for you. you can get this by tracking your calories for a few weeks using an app called My Fitness Pal and weighing yourself every morning. you should have a rough estimate after that but use this to get a starting point. In the beginning, I would change your eating too much just focus on tracking and getting 0.8 to 1g of protein per body-weight in. Warm-up sets are sets you do at lighter weights to practice form and warm up your body. Working sets are the sets you do to build muscle, power, or strength whatever your training focus is. I don't think it matters when you eat your meals. The most important part is your total calories and macros at the end of the day. That being said I have used intermittent fasting to cut in the past. i wouldn't eat a big meal before a workout just because I don't wanna be all gassy during my lifts. I recommend a simple carb like pop corner chips or rice crispy treat and some caffeine i prefer energy drinks but pre-workout or coffee works too. How long you cut depends on you. here is how I see fat loss you can approach it as a sprint or a marathon. I prefer sprints so my cuts tend to last between 4 to 12 weeks. The dope thing is you can always cycle between cuts, bulks and Maintenance.
What's your biggest sticking point with fitness?
What's stopping you from achieving your dream body? Vote below. Need specific advice? Leave a comment, and our community will help you out.
15 members have voted
New comment 25d ago
What's your biggest sticking point with fitness?
1 like • 25d
For me, it's more about failing to raise my standards. I honestly look pretty decent with a shirt or tank top to the point where I get compliments on how jacked I look often. I know I could be in way better shape I'm well above 20 percent body fat and my abs aren't visible. Plus there are a bunch of other fitness goals I want to achieve such as learning to free-handstand push-up or dunk a basketball. I want to have a higher standard for myself than other have for me.
1 like • 25d
@Sankalp Adonis i been experiencing upper back pain and I have recently been incorporating some dead hangs as well as Epsom salt baths for recovery seems to be working so far for me hopefully that helps
Diet Question
Hi everyone, im having some questions about my diet plan, im going for 2600kcal with 140g protein my current weight is 62kg, so im leaning towards a lean bulk, but how much fat should I consume in my diet? Some say inbetween 30 to 60g but im confused, thanks!
New comment May 29
3 likes • May 28
I wouldn't go lower than 25% of your calories coming from fat for you that's like 92g of fat or 650 calories but the most important thing is calories and overall protein intake i wouldn't worry about fat unless you are feeling brain fog or tired all the time but normally fat and carbs will fill in the rest after your protein.
1 like • May 29
@Owen Blair thanks bro just trynna to help
1-10 of 14
Shyheem Burrows
34points to level up
Unleashing My Hidden Potential Helping Others Do The Same

Active 18h ago
Joined Nov 13, 2023
New Jersey
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