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4 low calorie recipes for fat loss (what I eat in a day)
Here's what I typically eat in a day to burn fat and build muscle. Let me know if you like this format or have any tutorial requests.
New comment 3h ago
4 low calorie recipes for fat loss (what I eat in a day)
Why you should adopt an alter ego
Have you ever had any of these thoughts about yourself? - I feel like an imposter. - I have bad genetics. - I’m lazy. These lies are known as self-limiting beliefs. They can infect your mind, causing you to procrastinate and forget about your goals. If you don’t put a leash on them, you will either end up: 1. Quit the gym 2. Achieve average results and feel dissatisfied Unfortunately, getting rid of these thoughts can take a while (CBT therapy, journaling, shadow work). So, what can you do right now? Adopt an alter ego. Think of a physique that you admire. I always wanted to be like Killmonger from Black Panther. He had broad shoulders, huge chest, and was cocky as hell. So I started telling myself, “I’m Killmonger” every time I lifted. Immediately, my gym anxiety went away. I started walking with great posture, and hitting new PR’s consistently. My form magically improved by 200%. I really started thinking I could lift as much as Killmonger! After 1 year of adopting this mindset, I transformed my physique, which has been truly life changing. Ironically, many successful people adopt an alter ego in their game. Kobe became the Black Mamba. Bo Jackson turned into Jason from Friday the 13th. If it worked for them, it can definitely work for you and me. Action step: Next time you’re in the gym and you encounter self-limiting beliefs, embody another person. You are an actor in a play. Play your part right, and you’ll reap massive results. P.S: If you are interested in: - a personalized workout plan tailored to your schedule and available equipment - calorie tracker and weight tracker (Notion template) - 3 bonus fitness guides (Notion template) DM me the word “PLAN”
Why you should adopt an alter ego
Dip bar and dumbbell only workout routine
Good evening gentlemen, It’s been two years now that I have started training seriously, moving from different workouts, but never been able to stick with one program only, mostly due to traveling a lot for work. For this reason, I don’t really believe that my fitness journey has to be based on gym equipment, but instead with the things I may find everywhere and at home. I restricted this area of reference to dip bars and dumbells up to 10 kg: do you think is it possible to get shredded basing my workout only on this two elements? Where do you think I could find a personalized upper/lower body weekly program which could fit my needs? Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely, Federico
New comment 11d ago
Hi, my name is Seann and I've been on and off with my fitness journey for over 2 years. I am currently weighing in at 75kg (165.35 lb), 5'5 feet tall. I've always dreamed of having a lean and muscular body but always made excuses that I didn't have "time" because of school when in all honesty it was because I was just lazy. I'm posting this here in hopes of getting a help in hand through this journey. QUESTIONS: 1. If I did a recomp diet (maintenance calories) when do I start changing my diet to a cut? 2. What does Owen mean by "2 warm up sets and 2 working sets" in detail? (i dont get it how he said it in the video) 3. When should I be eating my meals? (I'm already planning meal plans which consist of a breakfast, lunch (school) and dinner. 4. Should I eat before or after working out? What do I eat before a workout? What do i eat after a workout? 5. When should I be adjusting my calorie intake when I lose fat?
New comment 21d ago
Offering Advice
Hey guys, if anyone wants some advice regarding calisthenics and programming, feel free to comment and or dm me
Offering Advice
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