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Understanding the Skinny Fat Body Type
Hey everyone, I’ve been reading a lot about the "skinny fat" body type and wanted to share what I’ve learned. Essentially, it describes someone who appears slim but has a high body fat percentage, especially around the midsection. If you're struggling with this, don’t worry – it’s quite common. The key is to focus on both diet and exercise. Incorporating strength training along with a balanced diet can help reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Cardio alone might not be enough. Anyone here have experience with this? What strategies have worked for you?
New comment 6d ago
Question regarding training volume for chest
Hello! I just watched one of the latest videos where you suggested training volume of 12-20 sets for targeting a muscle for hypertrophy. My question is I just recently got a dip bar attachment for my power rack, and up until one of your videos on the subject I didn't even realize this was a chest exercise always thought it was primarily triceps. My question is, do I have too much volume here for chest? I am at 24 sets which exceeds the recommended upper band of 20 sets. Here is my current chest exercises, the workout order swaps from week to week Workout b incline x 4 db flys x 4 workout a bench x 4 dips x 4 Workout b incline x 4 db flys x 4 To keep everything here I could also drop a few sets here and there to reduce the total number of sets. For example drop dips from 4 one week to 3 etc.
New comment 10d ago
What y'all think? What should I change?
Monday chest tricep and one arm push up progress Warm up 10 minutes cycling or treadmill Push ups 15 Weighted push ups 5 Incline One-Arm Push-Ups 3x5-8 reps per arm Negative One-Arm Push-Ups 3x3-5 reps per arm Incline dumbbell press 8x3 Cable lateral raises 8x3 Bench Press 8-12x3 Should press 8x3 Chest flies 8x3 Dips till failure then assisted till failure Tuesday back and biceps Warm up 10 minutes treadmill or cycle 10x2 Assisted pull ups Lat pull down 8x3 Bent over rows 8x3 Preacher curls 8x3 Decline dumbbell curls 8x3 Machine rows 8x3 Weighted sit ups 12x2 Weighted hanging leg raises 12X2 Wednesday legs and triceps Warm up 10 minutes treadmill squats 8x3 Legs extension 8x3 Weighted Bulgarian squats 8x3 Tricep push down 8x3 Dips twice till failure Calf raises 12-15x3 Thursday rest Friday arms Warm up 15 minutes cycling Preacher curls 8x3 Tricep push down 8x3 Dips 8x2 last set till failure then assisted till failure Incline dumbbell curls 8x3 Lateral raises 8x3 Shoulder press 8x3 Forearm cable curls 8x3 Hammer curls 8x3 Saturday abs and one arm push up progress Weighted sit ups 8x3 Weighted russian twists 8x3 Leg raises 15x3 Assisted on e arm push ups 5x3 Decline one arm push ups 8x3 Sunday rest
Need help
Could anyone show me the correct form for the seated leg lifts?
Training Style question
So I'm 15, Play Basketball, run the mile in track, and might play football. I've been following a bodybuilding training style, the Baki training, but have come across new things saying I should train for more athletic things since I do sports. One person I looked at, Garage Strength, said my program should be an Upper, Lower, Plyometric/athletic, dynamic leg day, and dynamic upper body, he has talked about it in some of his videos but this is where I found it most organized, the 5 days one is about 3/4 of the way down. Do you all think this is good or complete crap?
New comment Apr 24
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