What y'all think? What should I change?
Monday chest tricep and one arm push up progress
Warm up
10 minutes cycling or treadmill
Push ups 15
Weighted push ups 5
Incline One-Arm Push-Ups 3x5-8 reps per arm
Negative One-Arm Push-Ups 3x3-5 reps per arm
Incline dumbbell press 8x3
Cable lateral raises 8x3
Bench Press 8-12x3
Should press 8x3
Chest flies 8x3
Dips till failure then assisted till failure
Tuesday back and biceps
Warm up
10 minutes treadmill or cycle
10x2 Assisted pull ups
Lat pull down 8x3
Bent over rows 8x3
Preacher curls 8x3
Decline dumbbell curls 8x3
Machine rows 8x3
Weighted sit ups 12x2
Weighted hanging leg raises 12X2
Wednesday legs and triceps
Warm up
10 minutes treadmill
squats 8x3
Legs extension 8x3
Weighted Bulgarian squats 8x3
Tricep push down 8x3
Dips twice till failure
Calf raises 12-15x3
Thursday rest
Friday arms
Warm up
15 minutes cycling
Preacher curls 8x3
Tricep push down 8x3
Dips 8x2 last set till failure then assisted till failure
Incline dumbbell curls 8x3
Lateral raises 8x3
Shoulder press 8x3
Forearm cable curls 8x3
Hammer curls 8x3
Saturday abs and one arm push up progress
Weighted sit ups 8x3
Weighted russian twists 8x3
Leg raises 15x3
Assisted on
e arm push ups 5x3
Decline one arm push ups 8x3
Sunday rest
Saim Shah
What y'all think? What should I change?
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