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Exclusive Listings Mastermind is happening in 3 days
How To Turn Your Website into a 24/7 Sales Machine
In our first Mastermind, we went through showing the business model implemented by the top real estate broker in NYC and possibly nationwide. Bob has completed the sale of 2238 properties for over $22 Billion with a simple system we call Proof Stacking and The Law of 1000. Basically, the model is to cultivate and dominate a market of 1000 property owners. If you're looking for a way to build an Exclusive Listing Business, identifying your market is the first step. Proof Stacking is the 2nd step and the process of converting a lead in your market to an exclusive listing is step 3. Once you know the first 3 steps and "Why" the process produces extraordinary results for anyone who follows the system, you're on your way to building a Sales machine that does the selling for you 24/7. Each week in our members mastermind, we will be showing you how you can replicate Bob's strategy in any local market in any residential or commercial niche. If you haven't taken action yet, visit Have a great July 4th.
How To Turn Your Website into a 24/7 Sales Machine
The Proof Stacking Story - Where It Started
I started at Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate in their sales training program. It was amazing. My entire life was shaped by what I learned. The first thing I was told was "we are the largest and most successful real estate company in the world for 1 reason, we have a system, if you follow the system, you will succeed, if you deviate, cut corners or think you have a better way, you will fail". Every major brokerage firm was formed based on this model. There was one major problem. No one every explained โ€œwhyโ€ the system worked, we just knew it did. Over time, the original system became diluted. It is not taught with the same sense of purpose. New agents started doing it their way. That's probably why the failure rate is so high. The system can be taught with a few basics. 1. Target a specific market with 1000 owners 2. Focus On Getting Exclusive Listings But why? Here's a short story that explains why. When I was an agent in NYC I sold small residential and commercial buildings on the Upper East Side (66th St - 96Th St, Fifth Avenue to Lexington Avenue) Every month or two, I sent a newsletter to my market. I loved sending the newsletter. It's like buying a lotto ticket. I always had a sense of excitement that someone would call and want to sell their building. Oddly, that never happened. What did happen was, when I stuck with it, over time, business came in. One day, I got a call from the owners of a beautiful limestone townhouse at 22 East 67th Street. I had been calling them and sending my newsletter for 7 years. They said "we'd like to have you look at our building and give us a price". When I met with them, they had a stack of every newsletter I ever sent. They basically hired me to sell the building on the spot. They didn't even speak with another broker. I think i sold the property for about $7 Million. The result epitomizes the system I was taught. It took years for me to discover why it worked. It comes down to trust and belief. The only way to build trust and belief is with Proof. And the key is Proof Stacking. That's the formula and why it works.
The Proof Stacking Story - Where It Started
Digital Press Releases Can Promote Local Properties Too
Did You Know ... Digital Press Release Can Promote Properties Too. This one puts the spotlight on the Arthouse Hotel on West 77th Street NYC. It was featured on Business Insider, Associated Press and hundreds of Travel and Lifestyle Sites. It was syndicated through Google News reaching thousands of journalists and hospitality professionals. The ultimate is when bloggers and journalists get the article in their inbox and rewrite or repost the article to their audience. Digital Press Releases have a big impact on SEO. Frequently, the rankings can stick for years on Google. They also impact social media and YouTube videos. Videos and Google Maps can be embedded turning the Digital Press Releases into sales pages. Real Estate is not just Bricks and Mortar anymore. Publicity through the Press will make a building famous in it's market.
New comment 16d ago
Digital Press Releases Can Promote Local Properties Too
Exclusive Listings Mastery For Real Estate Agents Now Available
Exclusive Listings Mastery is a brand new course and Mastermind based on the most successful system ever created for real estate agents. The model applies to both residential and commercial agents who specialize in selling property. There are 3 parts. Here is a link to the details Exclusive Listings Coach 1. The Business Model - How to define your market and work it every day. 2. How To Get The Exclusive Listing - What to say and how to close the deal 3. Mastermind - we meet 3 times per month. Each call will be on a specific topic and recorded. Additional Trainings will be available for members. They include how to use websites to do the selling for you. Video strategies, social media, using ai tools to leverage results from the system. The first part is $37. My goal is to make it inexpensive. Then buy trainings as you go rather than an expensive program that might not be for you.
Exclusive Listings Mastery For Real Estate Agents Now Available
How Real Estate Agents Are Getting Local Press [Video Training]
You've heard me discuss how both local & commercial real estate agents are using local digital PR to gain exclusive listings... We both know the market has shifted in a big way. Only sellers are sure to get commissions now. This tightens up the market even further. You're going to need to contend for every listing. I wanted to show you what we are doing with our real estate clients to help position them to always be first in line in their local market to represent the seller. I put together a this free training that reveals the power & ease of getting local online press in any neighborhoods of your choosing. Imagine your name, contact info, & the details of the listing you represent found everywhere online in a small neighborhood geography. This is the most powerful way to build a personal brand. See, you don't need to be nationally recognized. Or even the biggest name in the city. You only need to be the go-to agent in a few local neighborhoods. See how you can use simple, affordable, digital press releases to be found online everywhere in your part of town so that your phone rings first when a residential or commercial property owner wants to sell. I show you how we help agents like yourself do just this inside the short video. Want a copy of the free training to get yourself local press? Comment, "Training" down below. ๐Ÿ‘‡
How Real Estate Agents Are Getting Local Press [Video Training]
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