Bari Baumgardner's talk on overcoming objections was a game-changer! 🚀 Here are the key takeaways that resonated with me:
Mastering Objections: Overcoming objections is a crucial life and business skill. Bari identified five universal objections: ⏳ time, 💰 money, 👩❤️👨 spouse, 😨 fear, and 😔 shame/self-doubt. Understanding these is key to success in any venture.
Buyer Types: There are two types of buyers - emotional (30%) and logical (70%). Recognizing this helps tailor your approach, as most objections come from logical buyers.
"Tell Me More" Technique: This powerful strategy helps uncover true objections and provides tailored solutions. It's a game-changer in sales conversations! 💬
Five Objection Categories: Bari broke down objections into time, money, spouse, fear, and shame/self-doubt. For each, she provided practical strategies to address them effectively.
Prime Movers Concept: Bari emphasized the importance of being a "prime mover" - someone who takes decisive action and makes a real impact. This mindset is crucial for overcoming objections and achieving success. 🌟
Bari's insights are invaluable for anyone looking to improve their sales skills and overcome personal barriers. Let's embrace our roles as prime movers and take action to overcome our fears and objections! 💪
I will give mini testimonial that two years I was terrified and excited all rolled into one, but pulling the trigger and joining this family was the best thing i ever did, because its what forced me to finally make a concrete decision where my life was headed, a year after I joined my Dad,
It's not about selling. You ask what is your favorite cookie? When they answer, you offer them one. When you ask if they enjoyed it and said yes, she then asked would you like 1 box or 2. Priceless
I think it's more than the person living in our home (if we are single and live alone)'s the voice of someone of influence in our lives who lives in our head! We all have those people!
oh yes. i sometimes dissapointed that i am so slow. but the thing is: my experience is always with me, and i continue from the point where i previously stopped
b. Logical buyers, they ask all the questions. (70%). Objections come from logical buyers.
When presenting address logical buyers. Logical buyers need to ask questions, see them as navigating, addressing their own institutes in deciding process. Then you will have empathy for them
2. Ask the right questions to start a conversation.
a. Every sales conversation starts with three simple words: “Tell Me More”. If you are doing most talking, you are losing. It’s critical, don’t you want to know? Do you not want to know why they are asking these questions? Your question “Tell Me More” comes from the place of service. You connect with your client first, understand their pain. Then you know what problem to solve.
3. Recognize, simplify and slay any objections that comes your way
a. How do you recognize objections? There are five of them (five buckets):
My husband says yes to just about everything I ask... He's incredibly supportive. I'm the one who is quicker to say no to myself. I have to KNOW that I know it will make a difference in my life.
It's like I tell my friend, I can be stiff and sore from not moving, or I can be stiff and sore from exercising, at least one makes me healthier and feel better in the long run!
5 simple objections: time, money, spouse, fear, shame & self-doubt. But mostly: fear, shame & self-doubt
I’ve failed before and I’m scared to do it again, afraid of succeeding,
If I persue it and fail -everything goes away that keeps you going. Great Analogie: a kid who learns to walk. Make your reason not to – your reason to do!! The real risk is regret!
Been there, and thank you for being vulnerable. Seeing you in the Funnel Building community, we believe in you! We've stayed with CF to avoid regret. We're sure you've experienced measurable growth in the past year or two there as well! Many, like
Sometimes there is also the "just enough"...."I'll grow my business until I have "just enough" money to pay of x debt, or have enough for x family vacatoin, etc...." but why not just go all in and know with certainty we can have MORE THAN ENOUGH!
Repetition is so important because that's how all humans learn. I will learn as I repeat a behavior, and my audience will learn if I repeat the information and processes
normally these suggestions would sound a bit condescending to me but this is amazing because Bari is actually helping to brainstorm and find the solution to solve the objection rather than telling the prospect its up to them to figure it out - true empathy
I've realized have a wealth mindset and this single sale has nothing to do with my overall success. Believe in what you do and the right people will say yes.
We don’t play that he does what he wants I do what I want we are each others partner / spouse not each others parents he will tell himself no before I ever would
I am working on the fear aspect because just a few weeks ago I told my therapist I am behind on my work and I think it is because I am afraid to succeed. Just saying that out loud in a safe space helped me to start to move forward.
POV... I know this presentation is to help us close our clients who aren't buying... but it was also meant to people get off the fence and join Prime Movers... Russel is genius!!! Love it.
Once I only saw the last part of a training from her and loved it! She has been on my bucket list ever since! Love so much she is here!!! Thank you Bari!
yes I love the re pitches, when people complain and say this is just a selling event I'm like oh your missing so much value by being able to watch these masters work their craft!
there's so many emotions on day 4, at the end of each FHL it always feels like the last day of school haha where I'm surprised how many great new friends I've made and how many new ideas to run with!
I didn't consciously realize overcoming objections was a skillset I needed, and now I see it's a MUST skillset to develop! Who is also having the same realization??
We are all technically emotional buyers that we then justify with logic. I'm a logical buyer as well ... but if you make an environment where logical buyers feel like buying, they will.
I am a logical buyer, I used to be an emotional one. I only buy now when I know the offer will get me the result that I need to achieve the transformation that I want. I don't lool at the cost of the offer, I look at the return.
If you are doing most of the talking during a sales conversation you are missing the opportunity to learn more about the client's needs. USE THE POWER STATEMENT ... TELL ME MORE.
our phone analytics are really insightful to help us be aware so we can do something about it in a direction that gets us closer to where we want to be
some people need that intensity! I was just talking to my 14 year old daughter about this… my inner voice when needing to motivate myself is intense AF 😂
i. Money (I wish I could, I need to make more, I know I need to do it) [you are more resourceful than your resources. Write from 1 – 50 what are all the ways where you can find money. Magic comes from number 35. Ask AI, Google it, What are the ways to find fast cash. If you have a car, you can do Uber to fun dreams that you have. If you don’t, then don’t ask them to do it)
1. A person who has sway over your decision, a person in your home. Men and women do it. We ask for permission, not support! Level 5 conversation (it’s like Garrett’s conversation, but a little softer :) ). Ask a spouse, I was thinking about spending money, it’s $10,000, do you think I should do it, I want to get your opinion. I remember that and I do complain about my work. I know it would make more sense to get a job. You are right, it’s crazy… - this is a way to ask for permission, not the way to do it as your clients are your mirror.
2. I want to talk about something amazing. I have a total transformation this weekend, I was trying to do business on my own, but dind’t have tools. Remember when we hired professional, who was trained to do the work. Skills are important to have, and now I found the way with framework and skills. I will be working with people who are in business and who are successful. It’s different this time, I have clarity and certainty. I hope you understand I must do this. I need to do this, and I cannot do this along. If you would support me, I would really appreciate it and I will do it in exchange. I will do this work after kids go to sleep. When I hit my first offer, I’m taking you for vacation as I want to thank you for your support on my big vision. – this is an enrollment conversation. A person with certainty wins the buttle. This is Level 5 Part!
I know what’s possible for my clients, I’ve been there too. When talking to your clients start with your certainty. $1,999… I can do that! Are you’re going to take safe path or risky path?
make your reason NOT to, your reason to ... this is exactly WHY you have to do it... there is nothing you can say, my confidence/certainty is so strong for my perfect client, i can hold that space for them
Considere que até hoje não foi vc escolhendo nada o seu cérebro querendo vc sobreviver e impedindo a geração de riqueza. Famílias precisam se fortalecer com nossa mensagem. Liderar movimentos e fortalecer comunidades
Believe that you are a Prime Mover. Risky version is the safe one. Is it safe to live in basement or it’s the riskiest thing to do? Getting stuck in basement is the riskiest thing to do. The worst thing is regret! You Can Do This!
Staying still and not making a choice is the risky option not the safe on. You need to make your reason not to, your reason to. Thanks Bari. Brilliant objection handling skills!! 🤩🤩
The presentation was so impactful. Such a great speaker. Everything was so valuable. Sharing your personal story hit home for me too. Thank you for sharing.
have empathy for logical buyers >> getting questions is ok, it's not personal, they are not objections, it's their way of processing and navigating the buying decision
20 years of events (1 to 2 events a week)... More back of room than anyone in the world, and heard more than enrollment conversation than anyone in the world
version 1: hey I want to talk to you about something, there is this guy, it's really awesome, it's $10k, do you think i should do that? I don't know, I want to get your opinion
Don’t ask for permission , come with energy, desire and final goal.
“it’s a proven system, I want to invest in myself, dinner convos can go back to about me and you, I need to be surrounded by other people who do that. I have to do this and I need your support. I can’t do it myself. And I will support you back! When I get my first sale, we’ll celebrate and will be celebrating every step of the way to reach my big vision!”
the person with most certainty wins the debate ... cannot go to someone without certainty, and expect someone to be more clear about YOUR vision >> enroll yourself in the vision, then you enroll the other
its amazing how this is such a different experience than anything ive ever attended in school or college its like i feel like my brain is being rewired this week
stop hiding retreat. She taught that when we have a set back that causes us to feel inferior we have to find evidence in our life that contradicts the story we are telling ourselves this was a huge epiphany for me
One of the biggest things that I have learned that helped me is to build belief in myself through rewriting my story around myself. Creat a new identity and read it daily, and FEEL it!
AHA Moment - Bari's presentation style aligns with my personality. Gonna mirror it. Study it. And fine-tune it to my own personality style. Humbling learning moment for me. 🔥
Trent Shelton teaches a similar idea to us where he says your vision is like your eye glass prescription that its your unique way of how you are able to view your life that no one else is able to view just like
if you want it bad enough you will find a way to make it work but what is great about this talk is Bari is teaching how to help people brainstorm the solutions
I'm single, but this makes sense when I first got started my friends and family doubted what I was doing and I realized it was because i sounded uncertain, but as i gained certainty they all started getting behind what i was doing
she actually said your ideal client is a mirror for you. That is also important to know. If you are not confident and committed, how can that person buy and commit to you.
right now the only thing that keeping me going is the dream... if i pursue it, and failed... then i snatched that dream away (and that thing keeping me going is gone)
We go to others with a massive amount of uncertainty and expect them to provide us with more certainty - about OUR vision. We can't expect them to have more belief when we're leading the conversation with uncertainty.
1. More down we go on the list, the harder is to talk about it. More often the reason for your mind chatter is you. Is it Yes or is it a No. I failed before and I don’t’ want to fail again. I’m afraid of succeeding, will my husband still love me. We’ve been controlled by fear. For some of you fear feels as “dream that could of happen”. “I can’t afford this dream go away; this dream is the only thing that’s keeping me going”. I’m tired that fear is controlling my life. Beri likes TENNIS! We know that we don’t win every time. Tell me what’s really going on, tell me know, oh I know I’ve been there. This process is like kid is learning to walk. She had to believe in yourself, past failure is not predicting your future success.
what does it take? if you look deeper, you'll see the risky path is the safe one... is it safer or riskier to bet on yourself and your big dreams ... don't wait for another day
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When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
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When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
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When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key