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Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public • 6.5k • Free

Community Creators Club

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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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Impact & Income w/Funnels

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'One To Many' Mastery

Private • 363 • Paid

Conversation Domination

Private • 230 • Paid

436 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Got GERU Finished my ONE FUNNEL!
I put my best foot into building out the one funnel like I saw on FHL. 🔥… I thought it was the best… Then I got the GERU upgrade so I could map it out… fyi… that’s backwards… but anywho… At first it was showing negative numbers… I’m like what gives 😳🤷🏾‍♂️… that was before I looked at the tutorial… Thru watching how John Reese looked at using the software… thru the tutorial… I saw I was missing a lot of elements (for 1) but for 2… I “GOT IT” … it just clicked for me. And I reset it up and got it to show like. $8500 profit… I was GEEKED🏦 So then I started working thru the flows and finding any point I didn’t have flow thru … And I kept tweaking till I had took $1000 in ad spend and turned it into $12,000. But I didn’t stop 🛑 there…. Noooooooo 🧐 I went in adding retargeting at key points… and in my first day I took a failing funnel (without no sales page) and could see how we could turn $1000 into over $20,000 in profit and monthly recurring revenue 😇💎🏦 THE BEST PART IS I CAN DO THIS FOR ALL MY CLIENTS WHO PAY. So we ALL have optimized funnel structures to work towards building 💪🏿💯
New comment 8h ago
Got GERU Finished my ONE FUNNEL!
0 likes • 21h
That's awesome man! GERU is definitely a cool tool for mapping out the funnels and like you said you now have a map to help your clients do the same...
0 likes • 8h
@Ashei Khan yeah for sure…makes me think about the saying that amateurs focus on the front end…pros focus on the backend…
I am so grateful for you ALL! 🫶🏼🥰💝
Oh. My. Gosh. Y’all, I’m floored right now! 😲 This is absolutely mind-blowing, and I’ve got to throw a HUGE shoutout to everyone who is winning in the contest—ya’ll are fire! 🔥🔥 It is also still ANYONE’S game!! Keep going!! 🥰🔥🥰 When I first hopped into this wild and wonderful community, I was already neck-deep in proving that, no matter what life throws at you—like, I don’t know, maybe breaking your neck—you can still rise up like a phoenix with sass and determination. But let me tell you, there was this voice inside (probably my inner Leo) that said, “Michelle, you’ve got to go ALL IN.” So, I did what any sassy boss would do—I jumped in with both cowgirl boots and gave everything I had. I showed up, shared my voice, built real connections, laughed 😂🤣 and soaked up every ounce of brilliance I can from Russell and this amazing community. Now I’m not just the Sassy Transformation Leader or Ai Sassy Bo$$ you have come to know and love. Nope, I’m out here on a mission to help everyone RISE. 💪 Laugh 🤣 and show up as our beautifully messy sexy selves!! 🥰💝 A HUGE thank you to Russell, and every single person in this amazing community. You inspire me to keep showing up every single day. Together, we’re not just surviving—we’re THRIVING! Let’s go get it, y’all! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Love 💕 you 🥰🫶🏼
New comment 1h ago
I am so grateful for you ALL! 🫶🏼🥰💝
2 likes • 15h
So well deserved! Like you I had that Voice that said Go ALL IN! So glad I did and was able to interact and meet so many absolutely amazing people such as yourself! So as a true Taurus I charged in head first and so glad that I did! ♉
2 likes • 8h
@Michelle Leith
Welcome, Prime Movers! You are now part of an exclusive community of driven, entrepreneurial minds who are not just aiming for success but are determined to change the world. This is our corner of the internet, a place where your ambitions are understood, your achievements celebrated, and your potential can be unleashed. In this community, you'll find a diverse group of high achievers who, like you, are pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Ready to dive in? Here’s your first mission… Unlock your Next Level by gaining 5 points so you can: - Create Posts - DM Members - Unlock HOURS of Courses Start by introducing yourself to the community below! This isn't the time to sit on the sidelines. It’s time to step up and take action. Here's how to do it: 1. Scroll down to the comment area and type an introduction to yourself. 2. Comment on 3 people's introductions. 3. Like 2 people's comments. Share a little bit about yourself and answer these questions: - Who are you? - What are you trying to sell (NO links or pitches)? - What has stood in your way of success? - Share an interesting, random, or noteworthy fact about yourself. PRO TIP: As you interact, you'll earn additional points which will unlock the ability to Post and DM other members, as well as potentially unlock additional gifts. Share - provide valuable support and climb the leaderboard to prove you are a Prime Mover. Get the FULL WALKTHROUGH of the community & what you can unlock here!
New comment 3h ago
1 like • 8h
@Owen Ellingson what about a course on how you do your fitness content creation?
0 likes • 8h
@Ernie Heyek welcome man! What brings you to this community?
🎯 The Power of the One-to-Many Framework 🚀
The Selling Online event is right around the corner, and my excitement is building every day! Today, I want to share some of the most impactful takeaways from a session Russell Brunson did on the One-to-Many Framework. If you’ve been struggling to get better results in your sales, this framework is an absolute GAME CHANGER. Russell broke down the One-to-Many approach, and it completely shifted how I view selling. It’s all about scaling your message and reaching MORE people by speaking to many at once, instead of just one-on-one. What I Learned: The One-to-Many Framework Russell emphasized that the true value of your framework increases as more people achieve results with it. The more you help, the more valuable it becomes! 💡 But here’s the kicker… people don’t want a better mousetrap (just an improvement on what didn’t work for them before), they want a New Opportunity that leads to a result. 💥 Paradigm Shift: Instead of offering a “better way,” present something NEW—a totally different path to the result they’re looking for. Key Concepts for Selling: - Teach the Strategy (What), Not the Tactics (How): Teaching the HOW will overwhelm your audience. Focus on the big-picture strategy, and they’ll buy into the vision. - The Big Domino: Your goal is to get your audience to believe ONE thing—your New Opportunity will solve their problem. Once you knock over that domino, everything else falls into place. - Speak to Their Subconscious: The magic happens when you bypass conscious resistance and speak directly to their subconscious mind with stories and frameworks. - Presentation Matters: You can have the best offer in the world, but if it’s not presented well, it won’t sell. The way you deliver your pitch is just as important as the offer itself. How You Can Apply This: 1. Focus on a New Opportunity: Stop selling a "better way"—instead, focus on a completely new path that will lead your audience to success. This is what they are looking for! 2. Master the Perfect Webinar Framework: Russell’s Perfect Webinar Framework is GOLD for anyone wanting to sell online. 3. Use Trial Closes: Keep your audience engaged by asking trial questions throughout your presentation to get them saying “YES” before you even drop the price.
New comment 8h ago
🎯 The Power of the One-to-Many Framework 🚀
1 like • 15h
@Teresa Wolfe Thank you!...I've enjoyed creating these post. And yes Absolutely Excited to be going to Boise! Thank you for all of your feedback and interactions! It's been such a great experience getting to meet and interact with like minded people like yourself!
0 likes • 8h
@Renee J that’s awesome! This last month has been an incredible journey and it so cool seeing so many people in this group taking action and making big moves!
iPhone wireless microphones
I’m ramping up to record and post Reels. What are the wireless microphones you recommend for iPhones?
New comment 8h ago
0 likes • 8h
I’d be interested to know what mic Russell uses…I see it clipped to his shirt all the time in his videos and he sounds really good…
1-10 of 436
Jon Pakula
24,974points to level up
Firefighter turned Funnel Builder! Join our community at Challenger Syndicate, where Entrepreneurs are Mastering Funnels and Marketing to WIN the 2CC!

Active 26m ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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