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299 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
🎤🐱 There's a Singing Cat in Skool? ?!
The cat: 🎶 As I walk through the valley of the shadow of deathI take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long thatEven my momma thinks that my mind is gone. . . Isn't it funny how mentors can reveal the most unexpected secrets? Who knew Skool had a pet?! 🐱 I mean, I wasn't exactly lying awake at night pondering the musical talents of virtual felines, but here we are! 😂 💡But here's the real takeaway: Mentors have this incredible knack for showing us things we didn't even know we were missing, and unlock doors we didn't even know existed. So, always be open to learning and guidance—you never know what amazing discoveries await when you have the right person by your side! ➡️➡️➡️Did you know we had a pet?
13 members have voted
New comment 59m ago
🎤🐱 There's a Singing Cat in Skool? ?!
0 likes • 2h
@Karen Anne Hope Andrews YESS!! #iykyk Are you an affiliate for SellingOnline too?
0 likes • 2h
@Holly Boydell NO, you didn't!! 👩‍🎤 👀
MIFGE Funnel
I must admit something. Something I feel a bit of guilt and have been beating my self up over too much. (Self compassion is an area I’m working on) I joined 2CCX Coaching in Jan ‘24. And then I paid for several months and did very little except become a professional learner. Weeks and weeks of sponging up content with no action or showing up for accountability. Some movement but the lack of momentum actually set me back more so… But, I got the skeleton of my MIFGE funnel done while in the coaching. Today, I finished the digital assets for the course I’m creating and the MIFGE. Now it’s on to putting in the Sales copy in my funnels and workflows. I will testify that the power of this community has been a greater motivator than anything else
New comment 5h ago
MIFGE Funnel
2 likes • 22h
Love this, @Sean Short! Losing momentum is the worst, so I am very happy for you!!
2 likes • 21h
@Sean Short Tiny steps, repeated regularly, over time. . . 👑
Where to Start with Clickfunnels
Hello community! Need an advice, please. I get to know Clickfunnels for a lot of coincidences, I were in FHL and, as I’m starting my 3rd entrepreneurship, I still know that: IM SO BAD SELLING. I’m bad in maths and also insecure. That said, I’ve decided to learn and use CF the better I can to be a mom with financial freedom. But I’m so confused where to start! One Funnel Away Challenge?? PLR program? You tube channel? Selling online next week?? Other clickfunnel program? From how to use it, step by step, to don’t leave it overwhelm. What do you recommend to start with to learn how to use it? PS: I need to start as soon as possible. Thanks so much?
New comment 21h ago
1 like • 21h
Hey @Natalia Eyzaguirre 🤍 It's awesome that you're diving into ClickFunnels and seeking clarity right from the start. Here's a realistic, step-by-step approach to avoid overwhelm: First Step: Start with the YFFC (Your First Funnel Challenge), now rebranded to 100Salesaday. This challenge is beginner-friendly and builds foundational skills. While it lacks the "Open Office Hours" from the previous version, it's still incredibly valuable. Make sure to complete the homework diligently. Take this as many times as needed—just be honest about your effort. Strategic Options: Invest $147 to maximize your learning: 1. Challenge: This option is a great value because it includes YFFC for free and gives you broader insights into online selling strategies. 2. This choice provides 90 days of free ClickFunnels access. However, you’ll need to pay separately for YFFC. Recommendation: If you're looking for the most value and a holistic start, go for This way, you get YFFC and an in-depth view of online selling in one package. Next Steps: Once you've mastered the basics with YFFC, progress to the OneFunnelAway Challenge. This is where you'll dive deeper into specifics. Whether you're focusing on info products or eCommerce, choose the track that aligns with your goals. This approach is designed to keep things manageable while giving you a clear path forward. Remember, breathe easy and take it step-by-step. . . Rooting for you! 🚀
Focused Learning for me Today...
What are you guys working on..?? 🧐🤯😱
New comment 16h ago
Focused Learning for me Today...
4 likes • 21h
My resignation. . .
😰 Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Quit🔽
. . . You're not special, but you are unique! Transformation follows a universal process. Once excitement wooos cool, we're left to put the work behind the woo. It gets real, real fast! From Russell, Dan H. to Alex H. offer mental models to adopt that help shift our perspective on such days, so I wanted to offer them to any other beginners: 🚀{PRIME MOVERS you know what this is!} Dan Henry shared a story that might resonate. He was nervous about a presentation when his manager snapped, "You think you’re special?!” It was a wake-up call. The company had invested heavily in a script proven successful by thousands before him. His task? Master it and deliver it effectively, not doubt its efficacy—because it works. Naturally, Dan pushed on, persevered and excelled. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you doubting a proven process when you should be owning it? 🔥Similarly, Alex spoke on overcoming the hurdles of learning, earning, and overwhelm. When you're overwhelmed, remember this: you're at a critical juncture. 99% would give up. He said "I am certain on what this path of success is supposed to look like, so I will keep learning and working until I get it no matter what. And I feel sorry for the ***** that have to come after me bc this hard and most of them will quit." But not you.💪 You’re here because you’re determined to keep learning/working until you get it right. 🙏Remember, the journey is hard, not just for you but for everyone! Stand guard at your mind—persist and prevail— "just for today!" ➡️➡️➡️ Where are you on the Transformation Curve?
12 members have voted
New comment 21h ago
😰 Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Quit🔽
0 likes • 2d
@Venoo Morgan + I remember Phase 1 all too well. 🔥
1 like • 21h
@Tony Klein My pleasure, Tony. I needed it on that and figured to pay it forward should anyone else find themselves in throw of things! 🤝
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Adrienne Potts
2,616points to level up
🥷I AM. . . . & I like white roses, black coffee, and red lipstick!

Active 2h ago
Joined Aug 11, 2024
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