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Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public • 6.7k • Free

Community Creators Club

Private • 1.9k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 140.8k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 19k • Free

Impact & Income w/Funnels

Private • 36 • Free

'One To Many' Mastery

Private • 368 • Paid

Conversation Domination

Private • 243 • Paid

442 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Welcome, Prime Movers! You are now part of an exclusive community of driven, entrepreneurial minds who are not just aiming for success but are determined to change the world. This is our corner of the internet, a place where your ambitions are understood, your achievements celebrated, and your potential can be unleashed. In this community, you'll find a diverse group of high achievers who, like you, are pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Ready to dive in? Here’s your first mission… Unlock your Next Level by gaining 5 points so you can: - Create Posts - DM Members - Unlock HOURS of Courses Start by introducing yourself to the community below! This isn't the time to sit on the sidelines. It’s time to step up and take action. Here's how to do it: 1. Scroll down to the comment area and type an introduction to yourself. 2. Comment on 3 people's introductions. 3. Like 2 people's comments. Share a little bit about yourself and answer these questions: - Who are you? - What are you trying to sell (NO links or pitches)? - What has stood in your way of success? - Share an interesting, random, or noteworthy fact about yourself. PRO TIP: As you interact, you'll earn additional points which will unlock the ability to Post and DM other members, as well as potentially unlock additional gifts. Share - provide valuable support and climb the leaderboard to prove you are a Prime Mover. Get the FULL WALKTHROUGH of the community & what you can unlock here!
New comment 4m ago
0 likes • 7m
@Ronny Correa nice! are you selling watches?
0 likes • 4m
@Owen Ellingson are there a lot of people doing what you do “fitness content creators?”
🎯 The Power of the One-to-Many Framework 🚀
The Selling Online event is right around the corner, and my excitement is building every day! Today, I want to share some of the most impactful takeaways from a session Russell Brunson did on the One-to-Many Framework. If you’ve been struggling to get better results in your sales, this framework is an absolute GAME CHANGER. Russell broke down the One-to-Many approach, and it completely shifted how I view selling. It’s all about scaling your message and reaching MORE people by speaking to many at once, instead of just one-on-one. What I Learned: The One-to-Many Framework Russell emphasized that the true value of your framework increases as more people achieve results with it. The more you help, the more valuable it becomes! 💡 But here’s the kicker… people don’t want a better mousetrap (just an improvement on what didn’t work for them before), they want a New Opportunity that leads to a result. 💥 Paradigm Shift: Instead of offering a “better way,” present something NEW—a totally different path to the result they’re looking for. Key Concepts for Selling: - Teach the Strategy (What), Not the Tactics (How): Teaching the HOW will overwhelm your audience. Focus on the big-picture strategy, and they’ll buy into the vision. - The Big Domino: Your goal is to get your audience to believe ONE thing—your New Opportunity will solve their problem. Once you knock over that domino, everything else falls into place. - Speak to Their Subconscious: The magic happens when you bypass conscious resistance and speak directly to their subconscious mind with stories and frameworks. - Presentation Matters: You can have the best offer in the world, but if it’s not presented well, it won’t sell. The way you deliver your pitch is just as important as the offer itself. How You Can Apply This: 1. Focus on a New Opportunity: Stop selling a "better way"—instead, focus on a completely new path that will lead your audience to success. This is what they are looking for! 2. Master the Perfect Webinar Framework: Russell’s Perfect Webinar Framework is GOLD for anyone wanting to sell online. 3. Use Trial Closes: Keep your audience engaged by asking trial questions throughout your presentation to get them saying “YES” before you even drop the price.
New comment 11m ago
🎯 The Power of the One-to-Many Framework 🚀
0 likes • 13h
@Venoo Morgan awesome yeah the VIP is 100% worth it!
0 likes • 11m
@James Conti thanks man!
Why Failure is Your Biggest Asset
Most of us have heard @Russell Brunson 's stories about the potato gun, working with Tony Robbins, and setting a world record for sales on stage. They're great! But my favorite story is when he's hanging Christmas lights, fingers going numb, moments away from ruining the holidays for everyone... because he failed. I don't relate to filming in Home Depot, befriending the top person in personal development, or speaking to a stadium full of buyers (not yet anyway). But I can relate to that heavy weight on your chest. That burden that somehow also makes you feel so hollow and empty. I can relate to being glad I'm alone in the silence of snow, the numbness in my fingers less painful than seeing the faces of everyone counting on me... everyone I've let down. You see, the hero has to fall... or they cannot be a hero. If Russell's story ended that day on the ladder hanging lights... he wouldn't be the hero of Funnels. He wouldn't be the person we're all so excited to learn from and study under. But the story didn't end there. He pressed forward... despite the weight on his shoulders, dismissing the pain of the moment, and determined to find a way. What makes you the hero of your story is the decision to rise above the fall. The commitment to get back up and keep moving forward. It's what makes someone like @Rosa Medina a hero as she chose to outgrow her small town of 10,000 and be a force of hope in a world wide community. It's what makes someone like @Jon Pakula , already a hero as a fire fighter, who chooses to never settle, and instead find new ways to grow and serve - a hero. It's what makes @Michelle Leith who broke her neck getting in a pool yet brings love and joy to this group; @Brandon Hunsaker who unites his parents in what's possible; @Bryan Switalski and @Noelle Switalski who are the world's greatest givers; @Lea Ann Perkins who is a mother to 8 children, and still finds time to serve a community of driven women; @Sys Savanh who's able to travel the world with his family while educating his young boys; and so many others in this community... heroes.
New comment 2m ago
1 like • 34m
One of your best post yet! Amazing job with telling the story in a way that triggers emotions and shows your authenticity! Love it man!
🎯 Where’s Your Focus Right Now? Are You Laser-Locked or Scatterbrained? 🤯
Hey Guys, I’ve been working on getting really clear with my focus lately, and it brought me back to the presentation that Bill Von Fumetti did at FHL on the Power of Focus. In today’s world of endless opportunities, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of ideas, offers, and distractions. But as Bill taught us, true success comes from one thing: FOCUS. When you focus on the one thing that matters most, everything else becomes irrelevant... I wanted to share some key takeaways from my notes that really stood out to me and might help you too! What I Learned: Focus On ONE Funnel Bill emphasized the importance of staying laser-focused on ONE main funnel—your mid-ticket offer (around $1K - $10K). It’s not about having multiple offers and confusing your audience. It’s about making that ONE offer irresistible and optimizing it until it converts consistently. He broke down the One Funnel Approach into key steps: 1️⃣ Focus on the Core Offer: Start with your core offer that delivers high value quickly and efficiently. 2️⃣ Non-Buyers Focus: Don’t just forget about non-buyers. Create a nurturing path through a low-ticket community to help them achieve quick wins and ascend to your main offer. 3️⃣ Free Community: Build a free community to engage people at the very first step of your value ladder. 4️⃣ Automate & Scale: Set up automated processes like running challenges weekly or webinars daily. Keep the live feeling using tools like Zoom Simulive to interact with your audience. 5️⃣ All Funnels Lead to ONE Funnel: Every funnel you build should lead back to your core offer—the one that converts best. 6️⃣ Paid Traffic Focus: The quickest way to scale is through paid ads. Instead of focusing on revenue goals, Bill suggests focusing on ad spend goals—how much can you spend to grow? How You Can Apply This: 1. Simplify Your Offers: Focus on your core offer and optimize it until it converts well. Don’t overwhelm yourself with multiple products. 2. Optimize for Non-Buyers: Create a plan for nurturing non-buyers. Whether it’s a low-ticket product or a free community, give them a path to ascend your value ladder.
🎯 Where’s Your Focus Right Now? Are You Laser-Locked or Scatterbrained? 🤯
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Russell Brunson - One-To-Many Selling (Part 2)
i'm headed back on stage - so let's keep it GOING! We've taken a 3 day event and compressed it down to 2 sessions! So if you loved the last session, just you watch how I break the 4th wall this time! Drop your BIGGEST 'AHA' moments, realizations & ideas... And Let's GO!!!
New comment 7h ago
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Russell Brunson - One-To-Many Selling (Part 2)
0 likes • 6d
@Brandon Hunsaker yeah it gives me permission to suck at this at first lol
1 like • 7h
@Rovan Deon yes sir me too…I’ve got to remember…stick to the framework and follow the process…
1-10 of 442
Jon Pakula
24,904points to level up
Firefighter turned Funnel Builder! Join our community at Challenger Syndicate, where Entrepreneurs are Mastering Funnels and Marketing to WIN the 2CC!

Active 3m ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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