Let's Welcome Our New Members This Week!
Give them your favorite GIPH in the comments 😃
Start your journey like this:
Step 1: Introduce yourself here so you can level up to Level 2 #ActionTaker🔥 and unlock the in-depth trainings on Goalsetting, Turns & Underwaters & Self Talk during competition [1min]
Step 2: Add the weekly Live Training to your calendar [1min]
Step 3: Book your FREE Onboarding Call with me so I can get to know you and show you exactly where to start inside the MindGym [I'm pretty cool on Zoom no reason to be shy or worried you can only win with this call 🏊]
Step 4: Complete the START HERE Module in the Classroom [13min]
Step 5: Start learning and remember, you've only learned something when you actually CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR. Just consuming content and not experimenting with it = No learning has happened = No different results.
Any questions let the community know, we're here to support you.
I hope you enjoy the MindGym journey! 🚀
David Karasek
Let's Welcome Our New Members This Week!
MindGym (FREE)
A place for competitive swimmers and their parents to learn the mental tools to overcome pre-race anxiety & crush PB's under pressure.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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