MindGym For Swimmers
Private group
219 members
$97 /month
Is your child struggling in competition?
The 3 biggest mistakes that swimmer parents MUST AVOID if you don't want your child to suffer from competition anxiety or early burnout:
1) Not knowing when & how to train the mind
2) Focusing on training more hours
3) Nervousness in competition :(
Watch the video above 👆
🚨 Price Increasing Soon to $147
✅ Save 31% with annual ($797 instead of $1'164)
✅ 100% Money-Back Guarantee (14-days)
Inside the MindGym you and your child get access to David Karasek & his team to:
  • Set goals that drive results
  • Swim fast even when tired
  • Get rid of nervousness
  • Master turns & win races
  • Unlock underwater speed (w/ WR holder Gretchen Walsh)
  • Get noticed by the coach
  • Know what to eat and when to eat it
Plus, you'll get everything David gives his highest paying clients for only $97/month.
Free your child from competition anxiety and join now 👉
David Karasek is an Olympic swimmer and Swiss record holder who has helped 100's of swimmers crush their PB's.
MindGym For Swimmers
We make kids strong for the future by giving them the mental tools to consistently crush their PB's in important competitions.
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