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Telling Stories
My vision is to help as many people as possible write & publish their books to tell their stories or testimonies. As I mentioned in a comment, the foundational verse for my editing & publishing is Revelation 12:11 because in telling our stories--our testimonies--we really do overcome AND help others overcome. I'm totally convinced that nothing is ever wasted with God. Everything we experience can help others in His Kingdom. It's the perfect way to flip the script on the enemy, don't you think?😉 God gifted me to encourage, help, & connect others for His glory & for our good. Please let me know what I can do to help any of you. I just cannot thank @Angela Linville enough for creating this amazing community & connecting all of us to better serve the Kingdom. We definitely are better together!💜
New comment Dec '24
Telling Stories
I'm not bound to BOXES aka CAGES ✨✨🔑🦅
I carry many visions for different areas of my life, but one in particular for my business and ministry… I see women in ‘cages,’ God has entrusted me with KEYS 🔑 to set them FREE, empowering them to SOAR 🦅 in their calling and 🦁 with their voices. As a ‘Locksmith,’ I guide them through rapid breakthroughs, unlocking their potential and moving them into their MORE. As a HOPE Igniter 🔥, my heart is to spark a WILDfire in this world, spreading His love, peace, joy, and FUN to everyone I encounter! This song encapsulates me (quite a theme song over my life and biz) and what I hope to "unlock" in other women!! 🔑
New comment Dec '24
My God-Sized Vision...
I've been talking about my God-Sized Dream for a long time: In February, 2020, God gave me a waking vision of a safe home in my backyard - I was having my quiet time of prayer and Scripture reading and I looked out my sliding door window and could SEE with my eyes a house in my backyard (that does not exist!) I could see that it was a two story and knew that it was a safe home for survivors of sex trafficking. There was lots more that I could see, but the main point is that I started sharing that vision with my online community and in September, 2020 I met a lady who was a survivor of domestic abuse who told me that 90% of victims of sex trafficking come from homes where there is domestic abuse. That rocked my world as it expanded my vision. I am trained in a healing modality that goes to the root of lingering wounds and changes lives forever and I KNEW that God was calling me to go to the root of the sex trafficking "problem". My vision now includes healing retreats for survivors of domestic violence and safe homes for survivors of sex trafficking. I'm a homeschool mama who loves online business and wants to build a legacy for my family that carries on generation after generation - and I want to share that vision with my survivors. I want to infuse them with the hope that life can be so immensely more than it has ever been for them and for their children and that they can change the trajectory of their family line forever. I have a Vision. And I"m so excited about what God is doing to bring it to life in His Perfect Timing. Can't wait to hear about your Vision!! What has God put on your heart to bring to life for His Kingdom here on earth?
New comment Dec '24
Be Still…
Hi friends! I’m a long time collaborator and friend of Angela’s who has benefited from hours upon hours of conversation and strategic thinking with her. This community is a manifestation of her heart and vision and it’s truly a blessing to see it coming to pass. I’ve been meditating on my names for a while now Maureen (a Gaelic form of Mary) and Elizabeth (which I only recently recognized as a Biblical reference). As much as I wanted more children, I am pretty sure I am destined to birth something unexpected and unlikely in the Kingdom. It will take a move of God as He has stripped me of any personal ability in this realm. Here’s what He has shown me: A retreat center to be built here in my rural community. There’s land here but the vision consists of constructing small dwellings to host visitors seeking the Lord, as well as a central space for worship, community, fellowship, and food. I saw this years ago and put together a presentation, visited some land, approached some potential board members, etc, and nothing came to fruition. It was disheartening and disillusioning and I laid it down, like a self-fulfilling prophecy that “we will forget” (what God was trying to teach us) once the pandemic ended. I had felt an urgency about the vision, that it needed to happen so that God could be personally and intimately found in this crazy world. I had a sense that a remnant was being created and called to stay fixed on His direction for our future. I had found some supporters but it wasn’t the appointed time and ultimately I… forgot. I became doubtful and laid it down. A few weeks ago with the birthing of this community I asked God what He wanted me to do. He brought this vision back to my mind, and as I revisited each element of it, I found it intact, being confirmed piece by piece. Yes, it’s still to have little cabins named for the fruit of the spirit. Yes, it’s still to have a communal worship space, yes it’s still to be called Psalms 46:10 Ministries. Yes, it’s still to be here locally. I just DON’T KNOW HOW.
New comment Dec '24
Be Still…
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know 😆
My name is MelAnn. I am in Texas - a southern red state where religion and politics are one in the same & if I could lose weight raising my inner - and sometimes outer - eyebrow- I’d never have to watch my weight or cringe every time the fake news reporter on the floor of my bathroom gives me a “status report.” Because I do it a lot and I have witnessed some horrible things said and done in the name of Jesus that I’m pretty confident He would have no part of. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m married with children (teenagers). And my job seems to be TaxiUberLyft driver for my youngest - and it’s wearing me out. I’m going to try to keep this fairly short (but keep in mind that is a relative term 😆 EDIT: It’s not that short! 😬) Let’s face it - context matters which means our stories matter. I have lots of them! Feel free to scan and pick and choose or come back to gather in tidbits. It took me awhile to get to this About Me intro. I get interrupted every time I sit down to write it. My husband has Covid. My daughter is training for a job at the newest God’s Chicken place that is opening tomorrow and I had two crazy things happen to me back to back. I love our police officers - but interaction twice for two separate events in less than 24 hours is enough for a while. (I was a witness on one thing and a victim on another.) Also, I had something on my feed a few days ago that made me pause and reconsider some things. His response to the question “How did you know God’s call on for life was music?” rocked my little world this week. Check it out here - it’s pretty short: So, after that, rather than say this is God’s call for my life - I’m going to say it is God equipping me for His call as a writer, story concierge, Identity strategist, & facilitator of deep dive conversations and intimate (small gathering) retreats. It all wraps up nicely under Story Concierge & Community Facilitator. 🎀
New comment Nov '24
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know 😆
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Kingdom Culture Revolution
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