A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know šŸ˜†
My name is MelAnn. I am in Texas - a southern red state where religion and politics are one in the same & if I could lose weight raising my inner - and sometimes outer - eyebrow- Iā€™d never have to watch my weight or cringe every time the fake news reporter on the floor of my bathroom gives me a ā€œstatus report.ā€ Because I do it a lot and I have witnessed some horrible things said and done in the name of Jesus that Iā€™m pretty confident He would have no part of. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Iā€™m married with children (teenagers). And my job seems to be TaxiUberLyft driver for my youngest - and itā€™s wearing me out.
Iā€™m going to try to keep this fairly short (but keep in mind that is a relative term šŸ˜† EDIT: Itā€™s not that short! šŸ˜¬) Letā€™s face it - context matters which means our stories matter. I have lots of them! Feel free to scan and pick and choose or come back to gather in tidbits.
It took me awhile to get to this About Me intro. I get interrupted every time I sit down to write it. My husband has Covid. My daughter is training for a job at the newest Godā€™s Chicken place that is opening tomorrow and I had two crazy things happen to me back to back. I love our police officers - but interaction twice for two separate events in less than 24 hours is enough for a while. (I was a witness on one thing and a victim on another.)
Also, I had something on my feed a few days ago that made me pause and reconsider some things. His response to the question ā€œHow did you know Godā€™s call on for life was music?ā€ rocked my little world this week. Check it out here - itā€™s pretty short:
So, after that, rather than say this is Godā€™s call for my life - Iā€™m going to say it is God equipping me for His call as a writer, story concierge, Identity strategist, & facilitator of deep dive conversations and intimate (small gathering) retreats. It all wraps up nicely under Story Concierge & Community Facilitator. šŸŽ€
What led me to Identity Strategist
The History and Context of Godā€™s Mysterious Ways Shaping My Vision
You can see the milestones and hear the stories via Loom on this document:
In my 30ā€™s I co-led womenā€™s ministries at a large congregation.
In my 40ā€™s I took on the leadership role. I also facilitated my own retreat at a beautiful retreat place not far from Amarillo. I also spoke at retreats in the area. I also co-led a momā€™s class utilizing the Myers-Brigg PTI & how it comes into play in how we parent. (Iā€™m an INFP by the way.)
I was already close to burn out when my dad died. When my dad died, everyone was there for my mom. But not my brother nor I and we all went to church at the same place. I will never forget when I got to my momā€™s house the morning my dad died and she told me the news - the elders that were there walked out of the room and didnā€™t say a word ā€¦ and they never said a word to me.
My heart turned to stone. I never went back to that church again except for my brotherā€™s funeral five years nearly to the day later. And the same thing happened - everyone was there for my momā€¦ not for me. I lost a dad and a brother and none of these people I served with and worshipped with and fellowshipped with for 20 years were there for me.
I did create the Care and Feeding of Mel post on my fb page when my brother died. And I said ā€œa few of you have said to me if thereā€™s anything I can do let me knowā€¦ and I responded to you that yes , I needed some brandy and none of you responded and my brandy glass is empty. So, if you want to do something here is a list of things that would be helpful.ā€ My out of town friends and my secular local friends - they jumped on it. And they carried me through the next few weeks. One of them is married to a liquor expert and they brought over a big pot of stew and an awesome book for the grieving and yes, brandy. (I suggest everyone make that kind of list while they are clearheaded before tragedy strikes. ) I need to update my list because I donā€™t drink anymore.
In the five years between my dad dying and my brother dying, I spent a lot of time trying to decide what I even believed. My dad was my rock and we lost him too soon. And all of my Christian friends disappeared. You know who showed up? My non-Christian friends. And my best friend who is an atheist. And I became friends with a couple of more agnostics. I intentionally sat at dinner tables of people Iā€™ve never even considered dining with before. (I have a really funny story about Dinner with the Democrats.) I pushed every belief system Iā€™d ever built to the breaking point and I began to rebuild. My dad died in 2012 and 2013 was hell on earth. (And that is one story I wonā€™t tell until mid 2025.) 2013 destroyed our family and my kids still suffer significantly as well. But the one thing I did experience and discover in 2013 is that God is real and alive and present and He cares about me and my life. There is absolutely nothing else that can explain walking through the fire of that year and being completely at peace that God was working overtime in our favor.
Then after that, He started filling in the pieces of the vision little bits at a time and I wonā€™t share every detail of what I know so far.
I will buy / build a retreat center. It will actually be my home but dual purpose so that I can host & facilitate small gatherings. I would also like to create destination events until I can get the place built . God has promised me it would not be in Nineveh .. err umā€¦ Texas šŸ˜† But it would be where there is beautiful scenery, weather conducive for outdoor activities and enjoy all four seasons, etc. Right now that is looking like it might be Idaho. Im looking at local places - we have some great ones - to host an event. However, God has not revealed to me where the resources will be coming from financially! Iā€™m trusting Him with those details. If I didnā€™t, Iā€™d stress myself out with it.
The Who
The people who most often find their way into my audience of sphere (or God puts them there) are the people that have been harmed or broken by religion and I remind them that God is love & loves them. And if it doesnā€™t feel like love, itā€™s likely not of God. They actually come to me attracted by messaging around identity and belonging. But in the process, they end up disclosing the history of religious harm and spiritual brokenness that comes as a result.
What I Have Going On Right Now
I was called the Phoenix Whisperer by both a client and a mentor - because my genius zone is working in the ashes left behind from when life tried to burn us down. In real life, Iā€™m training to be on our regional CERT team who goes in after natural disasters and helps first responders and people who survived it in those moments that matter most. My passion is to remind people that these things in life do not label us nor define us - but they empower us to rise from the ashes and unleash our greatest story yet! CERT lets me do that on an entry level where I get to help meet immediate physical needs to open that door & then let God work on those miracles in those lives. šŸ”„šŸ§Æ
I do have a website and if the craziness here in A-Town would take a rest, I might get it reorganized & ready to go in October! I am releasing two books on Substack as well - one chapter a week for one and then daily devotional on the other. Once they are released to my paying members - the books will be released to the general public. And Iā€™m already outlining my next two books. On the devotional books side, I will be taking submissions for those who want to be part of those. I want to put out several 30 day devotional books. Iā€™d love to collaborate with others to do that.
MY LIFEā€™S WORK & MISSION VERSE (from the The Mirror Version)
2 Corinthians 5: 16 Therefore, from now on, I no longer know anyone according to the flesh. I no longer see people from a human point of view. This is a radical and most defining moment. No label that could possibly previously identify someone carries any further significance. Even our pet-doctrines of Christ are redefined. Whatever we knew about him historically or sentimentally is challenged by this conclusion.
A Quote I am loving right now that speaks over my life:
ā€œFaith is not a decision. It is a discovery. And if anyone is in Christ, it is not a condition - it is a conclusion of the revelation of the Gospel. ā€œ (From the Notes in 2 Corinthians 5 - The Mirror translation, Francois du Toit)
My Theme Song Right Now (one of them)
My Most Life - Altering, Favorite Podcast:
Rethinking God with Tacos
Something I Need Today:
Community, Friends, Connection, Prayer Over my role in the work that God and I are doing.
Someone Iā€™d like to meet:
Matthew McConaughey
What do I Love to Do:
Hike in the mountains
What 3-4 People Do I Love the Most?
(Dead) My grandfather, my dad and my brother
(Living) My kids (my two teens and the one I placed for adoption.)
(Inspired by Mike Doneheyā€™s Reel)
Godā€™s Call on My Life (adapted Scripture)
And last but not least ..
My controversial positions (Tell me below what are yours?)
I deconstructed. I dove head first in freezing waters of deconstruction by going through deprogramming as if Iā€™d been in a cult to break free from the chains of legalism. And Iā€™ve been in process of deconstruction ever since. Iā€™ve always held a set of beliefs at my core that I wasnā€™t taught .. and it wasnā€™t until I was in my 50ā€™s that I came across believers who had found their way together through a podcast that believed the same way - and many of them were the same as me - they thought they were alone in the belief and then God and Tacos happened.
My deconstruction journey has taught me two things: 1. Truth can withstand scrutiny. 2. Everyone is somewhere in the process of their own faith journey. We have to be careful not to force others to a pace or path that they are not ready forā€¦ and be ready to allow lots of grace for everyone we encounter. When we canā€™t - the block button can be our friend if we need to protect our peace. Many assume if someone deconstructs they are walking away from God. Honestly, I had to leave religion in order to find Jesus. I even had to consider if I was an atheist or not. I came to terms with the role Jesus plays in my life vs Scripture. (Only ONE of those is the Word of God and it isnā€™t the latter!)
What is faith? I learned as a child - itā€™s a belief in the unseen. If thatā€™s true - then why is so much emphasis and twisting and manipulation of the Scriptures so prevalent? We use this to win arguments and defeat opposing forces we encounter. I donā€™t know about you - but I can see, touch/feel, smell the Bible. This was a question I wrestled with since I was a young child. I saw way too many people put their faith in the Bible rather than the God that Good Book told us about. & that is called idolatry.
I do NOT believe in legislated religion and I truly believe this is a Biblical stance. I am responsible for my own life and choices and consequences. I am in no position to pass laws to force others to fall in line with my personal religious beliefs. Jesus had a chance to set up the Kingdom here on earth while He was here and those around him struggled to understand why he didnā€™t. When we try to legislate religion and force our belief systems on others who havenā€™t adopted Christ as their Savior, we just push them further away and cause more resentment and itā€™s an arrogant stance to take. Itā€™s like well ā€œGod if youā€™re not gonna do it then we will!ā€ I do believe we can influence our government officials and pray for them etc - but our country was based on freedom from tyranny and freedom of religion ā€¦ and that includes those who donā€™t claim one.
I am Pro-Choice and I speak from a very unique perspective on this - and I also believe this is backed by Scripture. I donā€™t have a Loom on this one yet ā€¦ but I am happy to share more at some point.
I believe we will all be surprised one day when the veil between our realm & Heaven is torn away & we learn weā€™ve all got it wrong about God and who we are spending eternity with.
šŸ”„ My current burning question I am wrestling withā€¦.
Iā€™m not sure what I believe about hell. I do not believe in the hell I grew up being told about - I know that. But Iā€™m still in process as far as what I believe about it. I believe some of us might spend longer in the lake of eternal refining fire than others ā€¦ but itā€™s the fire thatā€™s eternal - not our time there. Speaking of which, I often wonder hell isnā€™t a metaphor for our human experience.
The question I most often ask God is ā€¦
Why does He have to be so mysterious? And He often reminds me that I probably wouldnā€™t believe it if He was obvious anyway.
Speaking of controversial positions ā€¦
There was a debate in the last year or so between two big name (in their arenas I guess - I didnā€™t know who they were šŸ˜‚) preachers.
The debate was flat Earth vs round Earth. And I made two predictions that came true. One: That the Flat Earth argument would win the debate. Two: (Sadly) Police would end up being called.
Now, before you ask me to start picking your lottery numbersā€¦ because if you saw the debate - clearly the Flat Earth guy won and he nearly had me convinced šŸ˜‚. The premise was that this was a Biblical debate - with use of Scripture.
The Flat Earth guy went first. Think about it.. Who wrote Scripture? People. And in relevant context - people who believed in the earth was flat. And way way smaller than it really was. So, of course the guy with the Flat Earth argument was gonna win! The other guy - what he argued didnā€™t even make sense & I think he knew he was defeated long before he even got to speak.
As far as police being called, I didnā€™t have to know these two to know that two big egos were going to be involved given what little I did know .. and someone was going to be humiliated and someone was not going to take it well .. henceā€¦ police ā€¦. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
However, to be clear I am NOT a flat Earther nor a conspiracy theorist when it comes to NASA & the moon landing. šŸ‘©ā€āš–ļø
MelAnn Morales
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know šŸ˜†
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