My God-Sized Vision...
I've been talking about my God-Sized Dream for a long time:
In February, 2020, God gave me a waking vision of a safe home in my backyard - I was having my quiet time of prayer and Scripture reading and I looked out my sliding door window and could SEE with my eyes a house in my backyard (that does not exist!)
I could see that it was a two story and knew that it was a safe home for survivors of sex trafficking.
There was lots more that I could see, but the main point is that I started sharing that vision with my online community and in September, 2020 I met a lady who was a survivor of domestic abuse who told me that 90% of victims of sex trafficking come from homes where there is domestic abuse.
That rocked my world as it expanded my vision.
I am trained in a healing modality that goes to the root of lingering wounds and changes lives forever and I KNEW that God was calling me to go to the root of the sex trafficking "problem".
My vision now includes healing retreats for survivors of domestic violence and safe homes for survivors of sex trafficking.
I'm a homeschool mama who loves online business and wants to build a legacy for my family that carries on generation after generation - and I want to share that vision with my survivors.
I want to infuse them with the hope that life can be so immensely more than it has ever been for them and for their children and that they can change the trajectory of their family line forever.
I have a Vision.
And I"m so excited about what God is doing to bring it to life in His Perfect Timing.
Can't wait to hear about your Vision!!
What has God put on your heart to bring to life for His Kingdom here on earth?
Lisa Vanderveen
My God-Sized Vision...
Kingdom Culture Revolution
Equipping & activating believers to establish heavenly solutions, empowering them to fulfill their purpose with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
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