Be Still…
Hi friends! I’m a long time collaborator and friend of Angela’s who has benefited from hours upon hours of conversation and strategic thinking with her. This community is a manifestation of her heart and vision and it’s truly a blessing to see it coming to pass.
I’ve been meditating on my names for a while now Maureen (a Gaelic form of Mary) and Elizabeth (which I only recently recognized as a Biblical reference). As much as I wanted more children, I am pretty sure I am destined to birth something unexpected and unlikely in the Kingdom. It will take a move of God as He has stripped me of any personal ability in this realm.
Here’s what He has shown me: A retreat center to be built here in my rural community. There’s land here but the vision consists of constructing small dwellings to host visitors seeking the Lord, as well as a central space for worship, community, fellowship, and food.
I saw this years ago and put together a presentation, visited some land, approached some potential board members, etc, and nothing came to fruition. It was disheartening and disillusioning and I laid it down, like a self-fulfilling prophecy that “we will forget” (what God was trying to teach us) once the pandemic ended.
I had felt an urgency about the vision, that it needed to happen so that God could be personally and intimately found in this crazy world. I had a sense that a remnant was being created and called to stay fixed on His direction for our future. I had found some supporters but it wasn’t the appointed time and ultimately I… forgot. I became doubtful and laid it down.
A few weeks ago with the birthing of this community I asked God what He wanted me to do. He brought this vision back to my mind, and as I revisited each element of it, I found it intact, being confirmed piece by piece. Yes, it’s still to have little cabins named for the fruit of the spirit. Yes, it’s still to have a communal worship space, yes it’s still to be called Psalms 46:10 Ministries. Yes, it’s still to be here locally. I just DON’T KNOW HOW.
But I see He has placed knowledgeable and resourceful people in my life since I laid it down. General Contractors, real estate agents, ministry leaders, etc. He has also sent me on mission trips where all the materials and labor “just shows up” and voila! A building exists that wasn’t there before that will be used for God’s glory. (See photo of a recent build in Ensenada to house missionaries to a ministry for seniors. It took three days).
And until I read ’s post I didn’t know FOR WHOM. Who would come and stay in this forgotten corner of the world? Who would be called here? Who would be blessed here? Oh. Yes. Of course. This is humbling as I have some authority in this area. As a survivor of abuse, I could speak life into such women.
So I have hope again that HE ALONE - let me be crystal clear - will bring this to pass in His perfect time according to His perfect will. I stand ready and willing for Him to use me for this purpose. I am blessed to be on mission… blessed to meet all of you… awed by your callings and services. Our God is SO GOOD!
Maureen Riley
Be Still…
Kingdom Culture Revolution
Equipping & activating believers to establish heavenly solutions, empowering them to fulfill their purpose with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
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