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🚨PLEASE WATCH🚨 - Overview Video
Take a couple minutes to learn a little more how to use the university and whats all in our group! Then--> Comment down below after you watch this video and let me know what other questions you may have or other instructions that you would you like to make this group more user friendly! 🙌 Thanks team! -CJ
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New comment 1d ago
🚨PLEASE WATCH🚨 - Overview Video
Please comment on this post, introduce yourself, let us know where you are from, and what your current health and fitness goals are! 👊 Welcome to the start of living your best life!! We are all here to help you win!! 🔥 -CJ
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New comment 2d ago
Killing the A.N.T.s 🐜
Are you ready for a mindset upgrade? Let’s get into it! I want you to imagine the person in your life that you have the most trust in, the person that you trust to know everything about you. ❤️ You tell this person your hopes, dreams, fears, your deepest secrets... EVERYTHING! 💯 Now- imagine if this person that you TRUST with EVERYTHING, told you every single day multiple times a day things like: -You’re stupid -You’re slow -You’re ideas are dumb -You’re fat -You’re an idiot -You’re a failure -You make bad decisions And tons of other NEGATIVE statements. Would you still trust that person? Would you still share things with that person? Would you be HURT by that person? Would you, at some point, after hearing those statements over and over again start to believe that person? Well- here’s the truth. THAT PERSON IS YOU! 🫵 The person that knows all of our hopes, dreams, and fears is YOU. And- I would bet everything that I have, that YOU are also the person that is your biggest critic- and says the MEANEST things to you. Things that you would NEVER say outloud- and- things that you would NEVER say to your children, family, friends or anyone that you care about. And let’s be honest- the list up above is probably PG and NICER than the things that you actually say to yourself… Right? But- for some reason we are ok saying them to ourselves. I like to call these statements A.N.Ts AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS So it’s time to KILL THE A.N.Ts 🐜 The reason this is so important is because YOUR BRAIN DOES NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between things that we think- and things that we say out loud. So- when your brain hears them- it believes them to be TRUE and a vicious cycle begins- of our belief system creating our identity and our actions being compromised by the person looking at you in the mirror! So- how do we fix this? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ By recognizing when it happens and stopping it- here are the action steps. #1- when you have an A.N.T.- recognize it #2- SAY IT OUT LOUD!
New comment 4h ago
Killing the A.N.T.s 🐜
🏃‍♂️👧 Weekend Warrior Workout: Family Edition! 👨‍👦
Parents, this one’s for you! 💪 Grab your kids and head outside for a fun, fast-paced workout that’ll have you all moving, laughing, and sweating together. Let’s make the most of your 15-20 minutes! ⏳ Warm-up (3 minutes): • Jog/Walk in place – 1 min 🏃‍♂️ • Jumping Jacks – 30 sec 🏋️‍♀️ • Arm Circles – 30 sec 🔄 • High Knees – 1 min 💥 Circuit (Do 2-3 Rounds): 1. Parent-Child Relay (3 min) 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ • Sprint to a marker, tag your kid, and they run back! Keep it going for 3 minutes! 🔄 2. Squat High-Five (1 min) 🙌 • Face each other, squat, and high-five at the bottom! 👏 3. Bear Crawl Races (2 min) 🐻 • Both of you bear crawl across the yard! Who’s faster? 🏁 4. Plank with Kid on Your Back (1 min) 🐒 • Hold a plank while your kid rides on your back. Challenge accepted? 💪 5. Jump Squats (1 min) 🦘 • How many can YOU do in 1 minute? Let the kids count! 🔢 Fun Finisher (2-3 min): • Sprint Tag! 👨‍👧 • You chase them, then switch! Sprint for 1 minute, rest for 30 sec, then go again! 😅 Cool-down (2 min): • Stretch it out together and take deep breaths. 🧘‍♂️ Let’s make this weekend ACTIVE and FUN! 💥 Go outside and crush it! 👊 Let us know how it goes below! ⬇️
New comment 11h ago
🏃‍♂️👧 Weekend Warrior Workout: Family Edition! 👨‍👦
🔥 Plank Challenge: How Long Can You Hold It? 🔥
Ready to test your core strength? 💪 It’s time for a PLANK CHALLENGE! Here’s how it works: 1. Get into a plank position—either on your elbows or hands. Keep that back straight and core tight! 2. Start your timer and see how long you can hold the plank. 3. Once you’re done, drop your time in the comments below! ⏱️ 🏆 Let’s make it fun: • 0-30 seconds: Core Rookie • 31-60 seconds: Steady Planker • 61-90 seconds: Core Champ • 91-120 seconds: Plank Pro • 120+ seconds: Plank Master! Whether it’s 10 seconds or 3 minutes, every second counts! Challenge yourself to beat your time by the end of the week. Plus, who knows—you might even inspire someone else to push their limits too! Let’s get planking! Drop your times below and cheer each other on! 🎉
New comment 21h ago
🔥 Plank Challenge: How Long Can You Hold It? 🔥
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