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The Wing Chun Family

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My Wellbeing Community

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The Wing Chun Masters

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One Tao Kung Fu Academy

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284 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
September Training Log
9/1/24 1/ Did I train today? Yes Morning meditation - Release SNT slow Mid day Mook Jong drills Pm SNT slow 2/ When will I train again? Tomorrow 3/ Questions / Experiences / Observations Good energy all day, not from training but from being in good mind set as I worked on the house. Good weather, good music, solid plan for the day with satisfactory results. @Carlson Yan suggested to add state to everything day to day and It became prevalent to me today that one can practice Kung Fu with out form work or wooden dummies. Just center, since, sink, focus and have a great day…..and I have great days of late. Thanks for the tip Carlson !! Thank you for reading I am Joy, I am the State, I am
New comment 14h ago
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your practicing diligently @Dave Ellis and constantly cultivating your skill! What a fucken legend you are brother 👍 your relentless pursuit of mastery is so inspiring to me! 🕊️❤️🥋
1 like • 14h
@Dave Ellis awesome brother!
My September: Wing Chun Practice & 28 Day Meditation Challenge Journal
Did I train to day? Yes 60 min state traning lying down 30 min tai chi form 30 min tai chi standing Siu nim tao x 3 20 min Power punch Meditation Clarity Meditation When will I train next? Tomorrow morning
New comment 17h ago
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@Odd Ueland such a solid, consistent practice regime. I bet that you are feeling good!
September: Wing Chun Practice & 28 Day Meditation Challenge Journal
Hi Folks, I spent the last month on another activity that was held in the ‘paid/costs money’ community where I increased my physical fitness and managed to dissolve 5 kg of body fat and also gain a couple of kilo’s of lean mass.. I am pretty happy with that outcome and cant wait to hear how the rest of the entrants ended up! Also.. this month is an awesome challenge running in the paid community… ‘the 28 Day Meditation Challenge’. Sifu has prepared 28 days of lessons and meditations to follow each day, plus other transforming, empowering things for us to do each day and i’ll be logging my progress on this event in this channel. If you are interested in getting involved, drop a note to Sifu. It would be awesome to have heaps of people doing this, because as Sifu often says, when it comes to energy and meditation, having more people involved is like ‘more batteries…. more POWER’. 🕊️❤️🥋
New comment 2d ago
September: Wing Chun Practice & 28 Day Meditation Challenge Journal
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September 16th Started the day with online live sessions, state training, forms Also went through the lesson for the 28 day meditation challenge and enjoyed the correlating meditation. I deeply appreciate the message from the lesson and Sifu’s explanation and practical application of “belief”. “its as simple as putting on your socks.. you don't even have to think about it… you just do it” It kind of reminds me of the quote attributed to the latin saying noted by Virgil (and re-stated over the centuries by big thinkers, including Henry Ford) Whether you believe you can, or believe you cant… you are right. The simple truth that Chu Shong Tin ‘believed’ Ip Man, that if he followed the training advised by Ip Man, that he too would develop internal mind power… and in 1-2 years, he did!.. This is so encouraging for me and I believe also for anyone on the journey to achieve a similar level of internal mind power as Sigung. It is exciting and has elevated my level of inspiration and motivation to practice the Siu Nim Tau form in state.
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September 17th Started the day again with online live sessions, state training and forms - love doing the 1-leg Siu Nim Tau and also got a nice buzz in my centre from pivoting in Chum Kiu Today’s 28 Day Meditation lesson on programming was insightful and helpful to understand how we pick up programs and start running with them, even without being aware of it. I liked the metaphor of us being like an iphone so that we can delete the apps that we don’t want or need. - so simple, yet so powerful. The belief meditation seems to help me experience what its like to know that anything is possible.. I love that feeling and carry it with me throughout my day. Also had a class last night at the Academy. 3 hours of Wing Chun is 3 hours well spent - fun times. Tomorrow I wont make class due to work commitments but I’ll still get to start the day with a live session online, which is an awesome way to spend an hour or so. 🕊️❤️🥋
Weights 🏋️
Although some people will think that weights will hinder development with state, As long as you use sinking of muscular tension and letting go of the belief that muscles are the only way, we can still look good while using state constantly!!! the reason I say “look good” is some people don’t use muscular tension so much (not a bad thing unless not in state ) that they loose a lot of muscle definition! So that is why I like doing weights, it gets the little bit of muscle definition that makes me look good! Thank you for reading and have a blessed day (or night) my brothers and sisters 😁🙏
13 members have voted
New comment 3d ago
Weights 🏋️
3 likes • 3d
Noah you huge beast! 👍
Kung Fu...
Kung Fu is not just a martial art, it is a way of life that requires persistence and discipline....!
New comment 3d ago
6 likes • 4d
Hi @Paulo Neiva do you know that the direct translation from Cantonese for “Kung Fu or as Bruce preferred to translate it as.. Gung Fu” is… ‘Skill/Achievement Through Hard Work’. 🤣 So lets us continue to practice daily, and together as a family, cultivate our skill. 🕊️❤️🥋
1-10 of 284
Ward Britton
4,996points to level up
Peace ✝️ Family ❤️ Dogs 🐶

Active 6h ago
Joined Mar 25, 2024
Sydney, Australia
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