Today here in sunny Sydney Australia it is the 1st of October, so I am starting a new journal entry for this month.
The weather is warming up and the flowers are in bloom, the birds are back, the bee’s are back.. winter looks to be gone.
❓Did I train today?
yes live session- state training, forms - Siu Nim Tau 2-ways, pivoting and Chum Kiu
Letting go coaching today was quite deep.. I’ll put a post together on what I learned and the correlation between ACIM and Kung Fu.
❓When will I train next?
Its looking like work commitments will prevent me from attending class tonight, so I’ll join the live state training session and do form practice at home.
❓Do I have any questions or observations to share, that have come up from my training?
Peace, Love and Kung Fu.. how do these three ideas work together.. this is something that we went deep on today at the letting go coaching session.
How do you align peaceful concepts like ‘Peace and Love’ with the martial discipline of Kung Fu? - this discussion was quite enlightening today and I am keen to here your view also.