Update_Contact using n8n and Assistable custom tool
I like using my n8n workflow server which I host for free in the cloud instead of Make or even the GHL workflows when I don't have to. Here's a workflow using n8n that is triggered by the update_contact custom tool in assistable like https://www.skool.com/assistable/custom-tool-build-updatecontact?p=8956104b @Jakin Harper and @Esteban Lopez created It is called by the assistable custom tool called update_contact which is configured as in the image below. Best thing is that if a contact is not able to be updated then it will send an email with the details to a set email address To configure it use the doc here --> https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/credentials/highlevel/#using-api-key I registered for a developer account which is free with GHL by registering and creating an app --> https://marketplace.gohighlevel.com/ Create a new App, Generate the credentials and add them in n8n (then you can use the same credentials in all your n8n workflows) EDIT: Edited the workflow to account for the changes in the way the assistable bot was sending the contact details{{ $json.body.call.retell_llm_dynamic_variables.contactId }} instead of {{ $json.body.contactId }} EDIT2: Added respond to webhook so that the output is shown in the task when it's triggered by the ASSISTANT