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Apperception Alliance

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Fayefilms Academy

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23 contributions to Apperception Alliance
What is your why? 👁️
Your "why" determines your success or failure. A weak "why" leads to you giving up easily - under the slightest pressure. A strong "why" strengthens your resolve. It enables you to endure hardship for your worthy cause. With a strong resolve, the how doesn't matter. If your why is strong enough, you will find any "how" necessary. So tell me. What is your "why"?
New comment 4d ago
What is your why? 👁️
4 likes • 14d
I don’t ever want my freedom to be restricted again.
Writing Retreat & Digital Detox for 30 Days
Starting June 1st I'll go on a digital detox so that I can focus on writing my book. I really love this story and the ideas I have for it. What I don't love is that I keep letting a glass rectangle control my life. I'm going to use this platform to help me track my progress and keep accountable. Everyday I'll post progress updates and how I feel throughout the whole thing. I also got Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport so I'll be reading that. YouTube and Instagram will be off my phone. I'll only use YouTube on my laptop for workout and stretching videos. I'll have unhook on my laptop so nothing distracts me or attemps to. My writing project is a fantasy-romance book set in an eternal winter. The main characters are married and they have to go on this life or death quest to save their Kingdom. It's dual pov with ancient secrets, love, strong magical creatures, medieval setting, attack on titan vibes. I have 2 chapters written and going to start on chapter 3. Those are my plans! Here are some pics for the vibe of my project.
New comment 18d ago
Writing Retreat & Digital Detox for 30 Days
0 likes • 18d
KEEP GOING!!!! 552 words is a great start!!!
I am a first-year student studying abroad. At first, I had big goals. I felt like this new life will change me forever but now when I have only exams left to finish and looking back at what I learned in university I feel like I didn't do enough and didn't really learn things that will be useful in the future. I have been having this lost feeling and the fear of not knowing what to do for a while now. If I have questions or want to know some tips I watch videos or ask others for advice. But I know that the real issue is in me. I have tried to understand what I want from this life and what I should do to achieve my goals but it's like I am getting distracted by other things and I am just letting life pass now. I want to change my life. I try new things and try to stay consistent with it but I still give up. And I am just falling back to my old habits. I have not been really doing things in university and I regret it a lot. My grades are low and I can't seem to find my purpose in life. Even though I regret not studying I still don't do it. And I know that what I am writing might seem very depressing or lost but that's how I am living. Day to day I have those same thoughts everyday and I don't take any action. Maybe mindlessly scrolling by watching tiktok videos and instagram reels has done this to me. So, if there are people that have faced this problem in the past or now feeling like this can give some advice or at least write a comment it would really help me and I will know that I am not alone. At this point, I am ready to do anything to change my life.
New comment 17d ago
1 like • 18d
You are not alone. People don’t change their life for no reason, and they won’t change it if they’re happy already. Everyone starts somewhere. My advice would be to keep pushing and to not hold yourself to such high standards. You might be aiming for something that is not possible for you right now, so it’s not able to stick. It can be in the future with easier habits, such as journaling a page every morning and that’s it. One thing I love to do when stacking habits is to do a new small (or stacking) habit every two weeks. For example, for two weeks you do ten push ups. The next two weeks you do twenty push ups. The next, you journal a page and do twenty push ups. Good luck, we’re all rooting for you!
My progress so far!
Hi, nice to meet you. I’ve been on this self development and self learning journey since February 2022. That was the month I was sent to a hospital for trying to take my own life, and the month I could no longer live my life as I was living it. At the time, I had four or so different mental illnesses (I know.) and been through years of talk therapy. I went to spiritual healing, group classes, even scanned my brain to see what was wrong. I guess I really just needed a wake up call. After that point, I started doing absolutely everything in my power to regain control over my life. Back to the present day — I’m in college, work part time, singer and songwriter, dancer, have an amazing partner, amazing circle of friends, journal every day, great personal hygiene, no social media (unless I want to make a quick post), my own car, and most importantly, no mental illness, no medication and no therapy. Obviously, I’m missing the bulk of what got me here, but I just wanted to share this big and long awaited win of mine. If I can reach where I’m at (and still going higher!), you can 100% reach your goals aswell. Thanks for reading. :)
New comment May 27
my routine win for the day
today was amazing after so long. did the good habits by simply just saying "let me work with a schedule and arrange my day". because today during 12pm, i was facing anxiety due to how much work i was dealing with. not to mention i have exams next week and i havent study most subjects. but i simple calmed myself down, made a schedule of to do list, and life moved on. and it worked so well i even made one for tomorrow which looks great. i am grateful for the day, i even had a personal best of running 40 minutes non-stop, and managed to chill at the beach making my planning and reflections. its amazing and hope tomorrow goes well too.
New comment May 26
my routine win for the day
0 likes • May 26
That’s great!! Proud of you
1-10 of 23
Emi Rucker
20points to level up
Hi! Nice to meet you. I love self improvement, opening my mind, singing, and many other things. I’m a “jack of all trades” kind of girl!

Active 6d ago
Joined Mar 10, 2024
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