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Apperception Alliance

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17 contributions to Apperception Alliance
Day 3 of habit routine: Once school start, it gets a mess
rightttt so... today i wanted to follow up my schedule as usual, but ended up not making things properly due to how much confusion and tons of work the school put me into, which ended up me having to establish new things that messed up my routine. but i am not fearful, i am working on a new one that doesnt ruin my expectations. it was an okay day, but theres always improvement.
day 2 of a winning day: routines have made me a happier person
today routine was excellent! i did all things in time, although the study still has bits of issues, i managed to do all the work. the crosses makes me feel confident that i am moving forward. i am grateful for abraham once again.
New comment May 28
day 2 of a winning day: routines have made me a happier person
My progress so far!
Hi, nice to meet you. I’ve been on this self development and self learning journey since February 2022. That was the month I was sent to a hospital for trying to take my own life, and the month I could no longer live my life as I was living it. At the time, I had four or so different mental illnesses (I know.) and been through years of talk therapy. I went to spiritual healing, group classes, even scanned my brain to see what was wrong. I guess I really just needed a wake up call. After that point, I started doing absolutely everything in my power to regain control over my life. Back to the present day — I’m in college, work part time, singer and songwriter, dancer, have an amazing partner, amazing circle of friends, journal every day, great personal hygiene, no social media (unless I want to make a quick post), my own car, and most importantly, no mental illness, no medication and no therapy. Obviously, I’m missing the bulk of what got me here, but I just wanted to share this big and long awaited win of mine. If I can reach where I’m at (and still going higher!), you can 100% reach your goals aswell. Thanks for reading. :)
New comment May 27
1 like • May 26
thank you for sharing your story. it really puts me in a position where i am not in a worse situation and that i can achieve the goals i want. i loved your recovery and hope you can be a much healed person.
my routine win for the day
today was amazing after so long. did the good habits by simply just saying "let me work with a schedule and arrange my day". because today during 12pm, i was facing anxiety due to how much work i was dealing with. not to mention i have exams next week and i havent study most subjects. but i simple calmed myself down, made a schedule of to do list, and life moved on. and it worked so well i even made one for tomorrow which looks great. i am grateful for the day, i even had a personal best of running 40 minutes non-stop, and managed to chill at the beach making my planning and reflections. its amazing and hope tomorrow goes well too.
New comment May 26
my routine win for the day
routine for tomorrow
a study routine that i planned for tomorrow, as well with some additional habits that i used to do during holidays. what u think? hope its visible
New comment May 25
routine for tomorrow
1 like • May 20
managed to get some of them checked. its not easy to study. i only managed to complete the morning check up and the afternoon effectively because they are my favourites. studying sucks sometimes
1 like • May 21
yeah thats why i placed studies first then i could chill with some reading and journal. but i will see if studying at 4am all the way first will sort things out lol
1-10 of 17
Shelton Yens
14points to level up
16 Ezekiel 2:6

Active 38d ago
Joined Apr 4, 2024
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