My progress so far!
Hi, nice to meet you. I’ve been on this self development and self learning journey since February 2022. That was the month I was sent to a hospital for trying to take my own life, and the month I could no longer live my life as I was living it. At the time, I had four or so different mental illnesses (I know.) and been through years of talk therapy. I went to spiritual healing, group classes, even scanned my brain to see what was wrong. I guess I really just needed a wake up call. After that point, I started doing absolutely everything in my power to regain control over my life. Back to the present day — I’m in college, work part time, singer and songwriter, dancer, have an amazing partner, amazing circle of friends, journal every day, great personal hygiene, no social media (unless I want to make a quick post), my own car, and most importantly, no mental illness, no medication and no therapy. Obviously, I’m missing the bulk of what got me here, but I just wanted to share this big and long awaited win of mine. If I can reach where I’m at (and still going higher!), you can 100% reach your goals aswell. Thanks for reading. :)
Emi Rucker
My progress so far!
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