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17 contributions to Apperception Alliance
👁️Apperception Academy & What to expect this month
Over the last few months (in monk mode), I’ve been working day and night on a huge project for you guys. One of the big pieces is a Dopamine Control course. Some of you may have noticed the sneak peek inside the classroom section. It is a full guide on how to go from Digital Distraction 📱 to Peak Productivity ✍️ It will cover everything from dopamine, detoxing, digital minimalism, and habits to purpose, direction, goal setting, time management, flow state, deep work, and much more. The other big thing I've been working on is building a new community called Apperception Academy: Gain Focus in A World Of Distractions. Inside the academy, I will personally be hosting a live Q&A session every week where you can pick your brain on whatever you like, monthly planning and reflection rituals, specialized lectures, and more. In addition to those things, the Academy is where you will be able to find the full course for Dopamine Control once it is finished recording. Week One/Module 1 of the course will be COMPLETELY FREE and will be available to everyone inside of Apperception Alliance. I have designed it so that you DO NOT need to upgrade to get insane value out of the course. The first week alone has hours of content inside. Here’s the rundown: Week One: Eliminating Distractions(Dopamine, Detoxing, Digital Minimalism) Week Two: Finding Direction(Vision, Values, Purpose) Week Three: Goals and Priorities(Set Proper Goals, Action Plans, and Resilience) Week Four: Time Management/Self Regulation(Time Auditing, Time Blocking, Essentialism, Reflections) Week Five: Peak Productivity(Deep Work, Flow, Mindset, Energy Management) For those who want to take their productivity and self-development to the next level, you may want to check out Apperception Academy to get the full course, live calls, direct access to me, and many more courses to come.
New comment 2d ago
👁️Apperception Academy & What to expect this month
0 likes • 4d
@Mateo Bourque what community is that?
Start Journaling - It Will Change Your Life
Without this habit, I wouldn't be where I am right now. I would be less happy, less productive, and I would be overthinking more. But I'm not, because I'm journaling. I used to say “I don't need to journal, I only want money”, but I didn't understand how unbelievably important journaling is. So many people on self-improvement cope and say “Journaling doesn’t help me, I tried it!” But have they truly tried it? Probably not -------------------------------------------------- Journaling is basically writing down your thoughts, but let me get into a little bit of detail… You grab a notebook and something to write with. You want to do this on a piece of paper, not on a device. Let me tell you about the different types of journaling: 1. Gratitude journaling This is the most popular journaling method. You just write down things you’re grateful for. “I am grateful for x because y” This is powerful This is so powerful because after journaling every day for a while, you start just being grateful for things. You go for a walk and it feels SO peaceful. You think inside your head: "I am grateful for the nature" "I am grateful that it's sunny" "I am grateful that I have 2 legs to walk in nature, on this beautiful day" It is so wholesome. But it becomes even more powerful when you express gratitude to people (but that's not about journaling, so lets move on) -------------------------------------------------- 2. Reflection journaling This is the type of journaling where you reflect on something. The way you do this: 1) You start writing down what you have on your mind, and what has been bothering you for the past few days. - The reason you do this is because you act emotional when you don’t sit down, write it on paper, and logically think about it. - So you sit down, write it on a piece of paper, and write down a logical solution. 2) If nothing is bothering you, you can write about your goals and what you plan on doing in the future or answer deep questions.
New comment 4d ago
Start Journaling - It Will Change Your Life
0 likes • 4d
@Johnathan Rodriguez exactly brother
“Being consistent won’t guarantee that you’ll be successful, But not being consistent will guarantee that you won’t reach success.” That lesson alone is worth so much… Just because it’s SO REAL. THAT’S FACTS RIGHT THERE. Read the quote again. If you are consistent, you won’t have guaranteed success, But consistency is REQUIRED in order to reach success. That’s what the quote tells us. From now on I’ll live by this quote.
Set Unrealistic Goals
Set goals that people would call you crazy for. That's how big you gotta dream. $10k/m for a 17-year-old (me 2 years from now) is kinda crazy. Did I set that goal? Yeah, of course. In 2 years I will make $10k/m. No excuses. No BS. People would call me crazy and call me names if they saw this. It's just a big goal. A big dream **And I will make it a goddamn reality.**
New comment 5d ago
Tired In The Middle Of The Day?
I got you, bro. I know a lot of guys have this problem, and even me as well. I had this problem 30-40 minutes ago! If you have 30 minutes out of your day, perfect. Let me tell you what I did. 1) Grab a piece of dark chocolate. As dark as possible, I had 80% at home but anything is fine. Generally, the more % it has, the better. Eat that piece of dark chocolate. 2) Put on a podcast Grab some headphones if you have ones, or just use your phone's speaker. I put on a Hamza unedited video so that it's purely educational and without shitty sound effects. 3) Draw your curtains What I did was draw my curtains and also put on my sleeping mask to block all light. 4) Sit in a comfortable position in your bed 5) Set a 30-minute timer 6) When the timer rings, get up, and immediately draw your curtains. Doing this will wake you up immediately, and because you ate dark chocolate, you won't feel sleepy. You're ready to go back to work. -------------------- That's it! Sometimes you'll fall asleep, sometimes you won't. If you do, great, you needed that. If you don't, then you didn't waste your time because you were listening to something educational. That's what I did and I have laser focus rn.
Tired In The Middle Of The Day?
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Vlad Șuhan
15points to level up
15 Years Old | Productivity and Study Coach ✍️| Helping Teenagers Achieve Their Potential 📈| YouTuber ▶️

Active 16h ago
Joined May 21, 2024
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