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Apperception Alliance

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8 contributions to Apperception Alliance
Writing Retreat & Digital Detox for 30 Days
Starting June 1st I'll go on a digital detox so that I can focus on writing my book. I really love this story and the ideas I have for it. What I don't love is that I keep letting a glass rectangle control my life. I'm going to use this platform to help me track my progress and keep accountable. Everyday I'll post progress updates and how I feel throughout the whole thing. I also got Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport so I'll be reading that. YouTube and Instagram will be off my phone. I'll only use YouTube on my laptop for workout and stretching videos. I'll have unhook on my laptop so nothing distracts me or attemps to. My writing project is a fantasy-romance book set in an eternal winter. The main characters are married and they have to go on this life or death quest to save their Kingdom. It's dual pov with ancient secrets, love, strong magical creatures, medieval setting, attack on titan vibes. I have 2 chapters written and going to start on chapter 3. Those are my plans! Here are some pics for the vibe of my project.
New comment 15d ago
Writing Retreat & Digital Detox for 30 Days
1 like • 27d
@Adrija Paul It's not writers block. I think it's just life stressing me out in general. I plan on self publishing my book. I have an Instagram where I post things about it. It's im_nivea_k. Also sorry for late reply.
1 like • 26d
@Adrija Paul Thanks! I hope so too
Group calls?
Would you guys be interested in doing a group call sometime soon? It would be on google meet where we chat and you can pick my brain for an hour or two. If so, what are your time zones and preferred times?
New comment Mar 24
7 likes • Mar 20
Calls give me anxiety lol
Favourite workout and why?
New comment Mar 2
3 likes • Feb 26
Running. I like to run because it makes me feel free
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Just to break the ice a little more! I’m curious to see what you all would choose as a superpower if you could have one 👀 If you want, you can make one up too :)
New comment Feb 24
5 likes • Feb 22
Having the ability to speak and understand any language
2 likes • Feb 22
@Kiara Sloan It'll also give me the ability to pretend I don't understand English when I don't feel like socializing lol
Start of your personal growth journey
To get to know yall a little better and if you’re okay with sharing, I wanna know what event or stage in your life triggered you to take the initiative to start your personal growth journey. I’d love to hear your story. For me, in my childhood, I had such low self esteem that it affected how I felt and treated myself and it prevented me from making friends. I never felt like life was in my favor and I hit rock bottom, not knowing if I’d ever see the light again. I suffered through a lot of childhood trauma and it wasn’t until I was 20 that I took the initiative to better myself in every aspect in my life and to heal from all the trauma. I’ve grown so much in the past 2 years and I’ve healed a lot. I’m excited to keep going and see where this journey takes me.
New comment Feb 23
4 likes • Feb 22
My whole life I was a couch potato on my phone 24/7. My doctor told me to workout because it'll help the health issue I was born with. I worked out constantly but my issue never got better, instead it got worse. I saw no point in working out and then stopped. Didn't help that the doctors never listened to me when I tried to tell them how bad my issue is. Eventually I got medication that put a bandaid on my issue but prevented it from occuring as long as I took it. So my life is normal and went back to being a couch potato on my phone. That was 2 years ago. During that time I tried learning Japanese and failed, ultimately giving up. I tried working out again but stopped. I tried starting a YouTube channel but gave up 3 times. I eventually got a job at a warehouse and because I didn't workout I was out of shape, making my job very difficult for me. I eventually built up enough endurance and got used to it. Not even 3 months in I hated my job and wanted to quit. They were toxic and I hated working for people. It affected me mentally but I pushed through it. At 7 months I did quit because the stress and anxiety started affecting me physically. I was burnt out and didn't want to do anything for the last few months of 2023. Doing basic things felt like a chore. And some things still do. This burn out felt like depression but I wasn't depressed. Now here we are in the present. I didn't want to be out of shape like I was the first day of my job. I want to work for myself and start an online business, a YouTube channel and commit to it. I became interested in writing and I want to write a book. I became interested in books and wanted to read more. But I struggled. My phone was in the way and still is. My average screen time is 10-12 hours, sometimes 14 hours. I binged self improvement videos but they didn't help me, I didn't take action. It didn't feel urgent enough that I should take action even though I wanted to do all these things. I came across Abraham's dopamine detox video and for the first time I felt inspired and motivated to do something about myself. I wrote down my goals and made a daily schedule. I downloaded an app to block YouTube. I don't have social media besides YouTube. I still am addicted to YouTube.
1-8 of 8
Kalani W.
3points to level up
19 | Aspiring Entrepreneur | Writer | Reader | Anime fan

Active 5d ago
Joined Feb 21, 2024
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