Writing Retreat & Digital Detox for 30 Days
Starting June 1st I'll go on a digital detox so that I can focus on writing my book. I really love this story and the ideas I have for it. What I don't love is that I keep letting a glass rectangle control my life. I'm going to use this platform to help me track my progress and keep accountable. Everyday I'll post progress updates and how I feel throughout the whole thing. I also got Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport so I'll be reading that. YouTube and Instagram will be off my phone. I'll only use YouTube on my laptop for workout and stretching videos. I'll have unhook on my laptop so nothing distracts me or attemps to.
My writing project is a fantasy-romance book set in an eternal winter. The main characters are married and they have to go on this life or death quest to save their Kingdom. It's dual pov with ancient secrets, love, strong magical creatures, medieval setting, attack on titan vibes. I have 2 chapters written and going to start on chapter 3.
Those are my plans! Here are some pics for the vibe of my project.
Kalani W.
Writing Retreat & Digital Detox for 30 Days
Apperception Alliance
Break free from digital distraction and doomscrolling.
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