Selecting mating traits for trait minimums vs maximums
Happy Saturday everyone. I have a lot of following up to do this weekend so if you waiting on me, I appreciate your patience. That said I wanted to post a quick thought about "establishing minimums" vs "seeking maximums" When it comes to mate selection. Specifically how women select men. My hypothesis is as follows. I think that when women are maximizing their long term mate selection (meaning find their ideal guy to be with long term), there are a lot of traits they look for in that selection both subconsciously as well as consciously. Most of what they are aware of (think they want) are actually traits that they are looking to ESTABLISH MINIMUMS for, rather needing a maximum to satisfy them long term. And then there are hypergamous needs that MUST be maximized for her happiness. Those are mostly subconscious. She may be aware of some of these hypergamous needs, but she will think she is establishing minimum standards when her hypergamous mind actually needs to establish these as a maximum standard. In practical terms, this looks like this. She does have traits that she selects for that she is aware of. Some of those might be height, facial attractiveness, lean or muscular body, income, resources, etc. But with the things she is aware of, she is mostly trying to establish a minimum. So she might say she wants a guy who is 6ft on her dating app. But really she just wants a guy who is "tall enough" and big enough for her not to feel bigger then he is. That could be 5'4" in all practicality if she is 5'3". She wants a guy who has a "good job," but what she really needs is a guy having enough money to pay for himself, dates, and live a certain minimal standard for a lifestyle. Facial attractiveness selection just means not below a 3/10. Body attractiveness just means not being obese or having rail skinny and weak arms or whatever she sees as a minimal. And so on. Where she needs to MAXIMIZE are these 5 areas of hypergamy. A guy must be her 1. best sex, 2. the guy she is most emotionally drawn too, 3. the guy she feels the most secure with, 4. the guy who has the best "dad" qualities, and 5. the guy who she feels would have the best future potential in terms of his loyalty.