The Closing Lab 8/1/2024 - my key takeaways
This was fun. Now I want to practice pitching now (I was writing one during the call). Maybe we could schedule another quick 45 min call to polish our pitch?
Key takeaways:
  • How to form a pitch? Simple. Start with a high-level promise that is 100% oriented toward their biggest desire (e.g., being able to attend a wedding without worrying about intense lower back pain). Next, outline the pillars of your offer that support/empower the entire promise, and include practical deliverables (the way I think of this is painting a bigger picture of how their life will look after completing the program).
  • Be sure to "sum up" your pitch with a question such as: Is there anything missing in what I’ve just described that you'd like to add?
  • Present the investment in a way that addresses their main pain point(s) and introduces a moment of pleasure. For example: If we start today with $280 per month, we can eliminate your lower back pain within two weeks and have you ready for your wedding in three weeks.
and I was so disoriented when I hopped on a call and you got me!
Mihajlo Dejanovic
The Closing Lab 8/1/2024 - my key takeaways
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