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▫️ - The Sales Lab is happening in 20 hours
Completed phase 2-DM setting
In this section I learned how to use the zig zag method to qualify a lead before booking a chat with them. In the zig zag method, you use the leads answer in the format of your next question. For example: Intro: Hi, (lead) I saw that you’re interested in making a career change. What is it about this opportunity that stood out to you? Lead: Well my time is very important to me and with my current job I’ve been working too many hours. Me: I understand completely. What are you doing for work now and how many hours would you prefer to work per week? Lead: I’m doing XYZ job and I’d like to work 40hrs. Me: That sounds great. If you were working 40hrs a week, do you see that accomplishing your financial goals as well? …And so on, bouncing questions back for around three or so messages and then booking a call.
phase 1
At my current sales job I always notice that the first couple of interactions whether over the phone or in person are both a little "rusty" but then I get into my groove as the day goes on. Maddie's idea of watching a successful sales call to set the tone of the day seems great! Another thing that was mentioned that i loved was that i should be thinking my job is not to persuade or convince the lead, but to just simply GUIDE the conversation
Let’s talk books 📚
What’s a book that has genuinely changed your life? It can be sales related or something completely unrelated. I’ll start, a book I will read until the day I die is ‘the Alchemist’ - Paulo Coelho If you feel stuck in life with an unclear direction then i highly recommend giving it a read 👓
New comment 10h ago
Phase 1 completed!
Just finished Phase 1 of the course. I’m learning a lot about what it takes to be a successful setter already. One main thing that’s stood out to me is how important it is to have a framework for your call that you’re comfortable with in order to have a seemingly simple conversation that leads to learning so much about the prospect. If you are able to ask the right questions during discovery and really take in the information the prospect is giving you, closing then comes natural.
New comment 15h ago
takeaways from live mock calls
Just finished watching live mock calls for the first time - Kudos to all of you!!! My gosh that is nervewrecking and I'm already nervous for when I get further into the classroom material to sign up... Take aways: * Being friendly, take off of your "sales rep" hat, and have a conversation with a real person. *Active listening and when someone brings up additional info that you didn't ask for, you should be asking yourself, 'What is behind that. *Don't ask too many questions that are all on the same surface, work on digging deeper. *Use mirroring so prospect feels heard. *Get those pain points, dig deeper, get to the point, have them admit they need help, and hook them.
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