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Monthly Q&A w/ Carley is happening in 13 days
🎉 Welcome (Important Information!)
Hey there, and welcome to RootsFree! I've got a crucial video lined up for you. It's all about how to make the most out of our awesome community. Just a quick heads-up: We're all about keeping things focused here, so please refrain from promoting or posting jobs. That means no advertising—direct or sneaky, public or private. Breaking this rule might lead to a swift and permanent ban, no ifs or buts. We're all about top-notch content, so let's keep it quality! That means posts should be well-written, packed with details, and hey, why not throw in some images or Loom videos to spice things up? If you spot any posts that don't quite hit the mark or seem a bit spammy, give us a shout. Our Admins are on it! Can't wait to see your intros and workspace pics roll in! Let's dive in and make magic happen! PS: Drop a comment below, say hi, and show off your workspace—it's all about earning those points!
New comment Jun 10
🎉 Welcome (Important Information!)
Questions to ponder..
How often do you listen to your intuition? What messages do you try to ignore ? What do you pretend not to know about yourself? What do you need? Take a breath ask yourself and be willing to listen now 🔥❤️
New comment 2d ago
Grateful for this space !
Thank you for being a part of this community, I am feeling so grateful for you all taking an active role in your health before disease !! We have finished all of the material for the first course and now starting to build the second course which dives into the psychological aspect. Without this piece and understanding yourself to the deepest level of your soul it is hard to make lasting changes. Anddddd in perfect timing I am also now working on my first book!! The information and resources are just flowing to and through me and I am so excited to watch this community grow. I would love to see your engagement daily !! Please share your thoughts your questions your struggles and allow us to support you❤️❤️we build together ❤️❤️
Castor oil cure
Castor oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy due to its impressive healing properties. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal. When applied topically, castor oil can help soothe dry skin, reduce joint pain, and even support hair growth by nourishing the scalp. Its high concentration of ricinoleic acid makes it a powerful agent for improving digestion, reducing menstrual discomfort, and boosting the immune system when used as part of a castor oil pack placed on the abdomen. Many women turn to castor oil for its potential benefits in improving reproductive health, as it is believed to support lymphatic drainage, promote circulation, and reduce inflammation—all of which are key for a balanced hormonal environment. **Have you ever used castor oil in your wellness routine? If so, what benefits have you experienced? If not, are you curious to try it for any specific health concerns?**
Birth stories!!
I have had a download come in and wondering how it resonates with you!! One of my deep rooted fears before I got pregnant and through pregnancy was labor- as all the movies I ever saw was terrifying think febbee on friends laying on her back screaming 🫣- I recently was on the vulva village podcast hosted by Dr zazu and sharing my birth stories and thought about creating a place here for women to create a new relationship with pregnancy and birth to listen in on unmedicated undisturbed birth stories. Drop a ❤️❤️ below if your feeling this would bring value and connection!!
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Learn how to conceive naturally in our empowering community, featuring expert-guided courses and shared experiences for successful pregnancy journeys.
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