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Monthly LIVE Training! is happening in 36 days
Accountability Thread OCT Plant Positive Jumpstart.
What is your ONE most important daily action for 30 Days this October Plant Positive Jumpstart? Considerations for your daily action: - This is about skill acquisition as well as results. What skills are worth building? - What is something that will have a compounding positive impact on your life? - What is the upside, if it goes really well? - What is the downside, is there even one - besides a little time?
Wednesday WIN!
By now you know I love an acronym and I would LOVE to hear your WINS! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this DELICIOUS! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this CHEAP! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this QUICK! ... and today I want to talk, TOFU BURGERS. WOW, I Never Suspected One Ingredient Tofu Burgers would be this QUICK! Perfect for BBQ season. You need extra firm tofu, a cup or similar circular cutter and your fav marinade! Simply cut your tofu into burger size rounds and marinate stacked in a jar, ideally overnight. Stuck for marinade ideas? Plant-based RD has you covered with these 4 Tasty Tofu Marinades: (I would water them down a bit or turn the jar from time to time for even coverage) What are YOUR wins?
New comment Jun 27
Wednesday WIN!
Monday Motivation!
Everything counts. Move at your own pace. Know there is no such thing as failure or a "bad vegan!" In fact this group is ALL about being more Plant Positive. Do it for YOU at the right time for you. Whether it's fitness, finances or food... too much pressure (especially self-imposed) or perfectionist standards make it: A) Likely you give up before even trying. B) Likely you "fall off the wagon" fast and count that as another reference point for, "Why this is too hard." Or, "Why I'm rubbish at this." ✅ Instead, lower the bar of expectation to raise your chance of success. ✅ Focus on your WINS and also your learnings. ✅ Give yourself the grace and kindness that you would show the person you love most.
New comment Jun 26
Monday Motivation!
Sunday Self-care!
"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." Seneca. What hardship are you imagining that you can let go of? I'll go first! Often I get caught up in thinking about how much I "have" to get done in the week to come. When actually most of what I do is a pleasure and a privilege. Both the paid and the unpaid. When I consider the prices people pay for the lives they live, usually I would not want to swap.... because when you consider what someone "has" that you might want, you must also consider what they have given up or sacrificed. Also, most of my "have to's"? They are, "get to's" and "want to's" AND, the world will not stop if I don't get to them! YOUR turn! In the Plant Positive Journal I share a SUNDAY self-care option every week. You can download your FREE copy of the journal here
Sunday Self-care!
Wednesday WIN!
I love an acronym and I would LOVE you to share your WINS! Here are 3 I'm thinking of... Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this DELICIOUS! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this CHEAP! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this QUICK! ... and today I want to talk, sneaking extra VEG into your pasta / noodles. WOW, I Never Suspected Extra Veg would be this QUICK and CHEAP! You know how sometimes you just want a hearty bowl of noodles or pasta? That was my vibe today. However I make a point of getting veg at every lunch and dinner. So when my edamame noodles were nearly cooked I dumped some ribbons of zucchini, carrot and 1/3 cup frozen peas into the boiling water. The stock for the meal was inspired by this great recipe from Liz Douglas of Glow Diaries. Healthy Instant Noodle Soup (Laksa Inspired) I'd love to know, what are your WINS this week? Or, how do you sneak more quick veg into your meals?
Wednesday WIN!
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Plant Positive
A supportive space for vegans and the plant-curious.
Sculpt the mindset that makes prioritising your health simple, sustainable and fun.
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