Wednesday WIN!
By now you know I love an acronym and I would LOVE to hear your WINS!
Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this DELICIOUS!
Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this CHEAP!
Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this QUICK!
... and today I want to talk, TOFU BURGERS.
WOW, I Never Suspected One Ingredient Tofu Burgers would be this QUICK!
Perfect for BBQ season. You need extra firm tofu, a cup or similar circular cutter and your fav marinade! Simply cut your tofu into burger size rounds and marinate stacked in a jar, ideally overnight.
Stuck for marinade ideas? Plant-based RD has you covered with these 4 Tasty Tofu Marinades:
(I would water them down a bit or turn the jar from time to time for even coverage)
What are YOUR wins?
Kate Galli
Wednesday WIN!
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