🦁🧠💚 Welcome to DAY SEVEN of the Plant Positive Jumpstart! 💚🧠🦁
Today's theme #MondayMotivation, and on my mind is some advice from entrepreneur Alex Hormozi that he shared in relation to business, however ABSOLUTELY it relates to health. Alex states to succeed you need: 🦁 The COURAGE to start (his word was balls, I like courage) 🧠 The BRAINS to learn. 💚 The HEART to never give up. To elaborate as I see it... 1. In health, you need the Courage to really commit. Wishy, washy, half-hearted won't cut it. It will likely ALSO eat away at your belief in yourself when you don't come through for you. Bonus points? Sharing your commitment with the people closest to you "should" elicit their support / understanding and also, it will help hold you accountable to more than simply yourself. 2. The Brains means recognising when something isn't working and adjusting accordingly. I absolutely DO NOT mean bouncing from one approach to the next. I do mean learning from mistakes or times you're set yourself up to lose the discipline game. 3. If you are taking the right actions, consistently you WILL see results. However, sadly they likely won't be in the fast timeframe you would most love. This means you must have the Heart to stick with it, as long as it takes and ALSO, to consciously focus on the good - the joy of the journey - the small wins, so that you can stick with it AS LONG AS IT TAKES! 😀 What small or big (!) wins do you have to share?