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Plant Positive

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4 contributions to Plant Positive
Can I support you more? (your feedback is valuable)
🎯 So we've reached the end of the 30 Day Plant Positive Jumpstart and I'd LOVE your feedback please? 🎯 ✅ What is ONE thing I could improve so the Plant Positive Membership is more impactful in your life? Over the past 30 days specifically: Was there too much? Was there not enough? I've listed some ideas however please comment your suggestions. It would mean a lot. 🤔 My thoughts! Deciding ONE most important habit was hugely impactful for me. A set timeframe held me accountable and the results motivate me to continue. In short, the new habit I've been struggling with for 24+ months is locked and loaded, so that's a WIN. I am super grateful for the positive, supportive comments - so Thank You. Community, is something I'm committed to building. A safe, supportive space. I think we did well for the small number of members however I would love so much more interaction / participation. 🙏 Over to YOU! For the membership as a whole and for a 30 Day Jumpstart specifically what would be of most value?
4 members have voted
New comment Jul 8
Can I support you more? (your feedback is valuable)
3 likes • Jul 3
Community is important. I think the evolution of like minded clusters (tribes)based on GEO would be fun and if that lends itself to us all taking more trips and exploring between tribes, what a win for everyone. One Earth. One journey...
Wednesday WIN!
By now you know I love an acronym and I would LOVE to hear your WINS! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this DELICIOUS! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this CHEAP! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this QUICK! ... and today I want to talk, TOFU BURGERS. WOW, I Never Suspected One Ingredient Tofu Burgers would be this QUICK! Perfect for BBQ season. You need extra firm tofu, a cup or similar circular cutter and your fav marinade! Simply cut your tofu into burger size rounds and marinate stacked in a jar, ideally overnight. Stuck for marinade ideas? Plant-based RD has you covered with these 4 Tasty Tofu Marinades: (I would water them down a bit or turn the jar from time to time for even coverage) What are YOUR wins?
New comment Jun 27
Wednesday WIN!
1 like • Jun 26
Cilantro Lime. Nice and simple. My big mason jar is getting stuffed with that tasty treasure!!! Yum. TY...for doing you. Lets goooooo!!!
Stuffed Mushroom Sheet Meal.
- 1-2 large Portobello Mushroom or equivalent volume of smaller mushrooms - Dairy-free pesto (recipe below) - Tofu ricotta - Olives, sliced (optional) - Fast cooking green veg like: asparagus / snow peas / sugar snaps - Tomato, 1 large or equivalent volume of smaller Fill your mushrooms with a generous amount of pesto (heaped Tbsp for large mushie, heaped tsp for small mushie) and then double that amount of tofu ricotta. Top with optional sliced olives. Cook 180 C (350 F) for around 20 minutes with tomato (sliced in half if large) plus abundant fast cooking green veg and seasonings of choice. I like macadamia oil, salt, garlic powder and fresh rosemary. For extra protein? This would go well with the butter beans and / crispy quinoa from the Italian Sheet Meal. Dairy-free pesto (5-6 serves) This pesto is super versatile. I make mine with a variety of raw nuts though pecans are my current favourite. The vegetable is also very flexible. I like kale, basil and broccoli; however, use your favourites. - 2 big handfuls of kale  - 1 handful of basil  - 1/2 cup broccoli (including the stem)  - 1/2 cup raw nuts, soaked for a couple of hours or covered in boiling water for a couple of minutes  - 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast  - 1 tablespoon of avocado or macadamia oil  - 1 teaspoon of garlic powder  - 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt.  Blend all together.
New comment Jun 22
Stuffed Mushroom Sheet Meal.
1 like • Jun 21
Thanks for this sheet share, so easy and the shroomage is great for speedy memory alignment when you are a clumsy athlete and bang your head a bit trying to stay 25.
Edamame Noodles with Sweet Potato Miso Sauce. (serves 1)
- 1/2 sweet potato, baked in oven or air-fryer for 20-30 minutes. (I used yesterdays leftovers) - 1/2 cup, butter beans rinsed and drained. (although, I used yesterdays leftover lentils) - 1 heaped tbsp nutritional yeast - 1 heaped tsp miso paste - 1 tsp onion powder - 1/2 tsp garlic powder - water to mix (1/2 - 1 cup) - 50gm pasta / noodles (I love edamame for the protein, lentil is also great) - 1/2 zucchini in ribbons - 1 cup broccoli, in florets - 1 large portobello mushroom, sliced Blend the first 7 ingredients together and season with salt if desired. Dry fry the mushroom for 5 minutes before deglazing with a dash of water and adding the broccoli till tender. Cook noodles to packet instructions (edamame takes 5 minutes) and add the zucchini for the last minute. Strain. Add sauce to the pan with mushrooms and broccoli to gently warm. Serve over pasta / zucchini.
New comment Jun 7
Edamame Noodles with Sweet Potato Miso Sauce. (serves 1)
1 like • Jun 6
I am going to buy these ingredients after work tonight and it will be my first plunge into your generosity with some much deserved action. Stay tuned. Yummy!
1-4 of 4
Chris Larkin
14points to level up
In Brooklyn, NY setting up a Sustainable Solar Brokerage. Grew up in the State of Michigan. I love good people and trying to live a FULL joyful life.

Active 42d ago
Joined May 25, 2024
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