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Plant Positive

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12 contributions to Plant Positive
Weekend Must-Hear & Sincere Apology...
I want to apologise for going off the radar since the Plant Positive Jumpstart in April. I am still super excited to build a supportive space for vegans and the plant curious in Skool. My timing was just off! I started this group at the same time as starting at a new gym in a new city, and finishing the second Plant Positive Journal. I have been thinking about what is the best strategy moving forward A LOT though, and will start putting it into action from September for a much improved Plant Positive Jumpstart in October. So, for now if you're up for hearing how a modest first small step can ignite life-changing action - I really recommend this podcast interview. I LOVED this conversation! In #TheHealthificationPodcast E883: Tim Kaufman's Journey From Addiction and Immobility to Athleticism and Wellness. Tim Kaufman is an exceptional story teller... and WOW does he have a powerful story to share with us today. Tim's journey from addiction and immobility to athleticism and wellness inspires hope and might well ignite the first small step of life-changing action. His book, ESCAPE - Breaking Free From A Self-Made Prison reveals in excruciating detail just how low and desperate Tim got after a terrifying health diagnosis in his early 20's prompted his descension into addiction to prescription medication, alcohol and fast food. By 37 Tim weighed over 400 pounds and was unable to perform simple daily tasks. He had lost his interest in life and had almost given up. When Tim started his journey to regain his health, it was only to buy some time between funerals for his dear wife Heather. This is NOT a linear change your diet, change your life, it's now all smooth sailing story. Subsequently, it is so much more powerful. This transformation is about Gratitude, Hope and making a start with tiny steps - it was getting out of his work chair twice for Tim. Importantly, Tim believes the mistakes he made when attempting this big lifestyle change, led to his success because at least he got started.
New comment 4d ago
Weekend Must-Hear & Sincere Apology...
1 like • 7d
Welcome back, good to hear from you, Kate! 🙌 Thanks for highlighting your podcast with Tim. Wow, that was powerful and moving!
[RECIPE] Healthy Vegan Mayonnaise!
I know I recommend vegan mayo fairly regularly in my quick meals and it's one of the only things I consume that is to be frank, unhealthy. Now, I'm a fan of treats - regularly - however I prefer they be high value treats and my store bought mayo, is low value. It's 71% fat. From canola oil. So when I found this recipe from Carleigh the Scrappy Vegan with only 7 ingredients... using up the aqua-faba I waste every week when I make hummus AND where the only fat is cashews, I was excited. ✅ I am happy to share the taste of this mayo EXCEEDS my high expectations! ✅ It's a little runny however, I can handle that for a quick, cheap, healthy, delicious mayo. Here are the full (simple) instructions from Plant - ½ cup aquafaba, could be more or less, depending on what is left from a can of chickpeas - ¾ cup cashews, soaked overnight (I just soaked for 90 minutes in boiling water) - 1 lemon, juiced - 1 tsp maple syrup - 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp mustard, I used dijon - 1 tsp salt Simply blend all together. Btw, this is exactly the sort of find I share in my weekly 2-6-9: email bursting with vegan goodness & good news! 2️⃣ Quotes. 6️⃣ WINS, recommendations or recipes. 9️⃣ Words to contemplate. Start your weekend with a dose of uplifting vibes HERE and please consider sharing the LOVE with someone who would also find value in it. Thank you and please let me know if you try the mayo!
New comment Aug 14
[RECIPE] Healthy Vegan Mayonnaise!
1 like • Aug 11
@Kate Galli Sorry for the late response. I tried it! I used sunflower seeds instead of cashews and used it for the mayonnaise in a chickpea salad (the vegan version of a tuna salad). I liked it! 😋🥰❤️
1 like • Aug 14
@Kate Galli Oh, I love cashews too! But our little one is allergic so we stopped buying them. 😊😁🤗
Travel Tips for Healthy Plant-Based Meals!
I just got back from 5 nights in my old home city, Sydney. It was such a lovely trip. So many catch-ups with dear friends. I thought it might be useful to share the strategies that helped me stay on track with exercise and nutrition. 🎯 First, I had a PLAN for exercise either side of the trip. Normally, I lift weights 4 days a week. I did not want that to change. ✅ Prior to travel, I lifted Mon, Tues, Wed so then I just needed to get to my old gym one day while I was away. ✅ On return from travel, I lifted Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat. 💚 The lesson? If it's important enough you can make it work. Normally, I walk AT LEAST 40 minutes a day. I organised 3 walking catch ups in Sydney AND none of them eventuated - we just sat and chatted!!! It's ok though, I walked A LOT on my own, often before the friends I was staying with were awake. 💚 The lesson? Flexibility and fun is important. My intention was to maintain my healthy lifestyle while also prioritising time with people I love. 🎯🎯 Second, I had an idea of easy Go2 snacks and meals for my time away. ✅ Roasted edamame, chickpeas, nuts and fruit are easy to find snacks at any supermarket. I cooked an easy meal in for friends twice. ✅ Meal one, was baked smashed potatoes (always a crowd pleaser) + store bought vegan burgers (easy win!) + my Go2 Salad of baby spinach+rocket and baked pumpkin with edamame, pepitas, craisens, balsamic glaze and store bought hummus with caramelised onion. (abundant, balanced plant-based meal in itself) I made enough for left-overs for lunch the next day. ✅ Meal two, was baked smashed potatoes (why change what isn't broken?) + different bought vegan burgers + a couple of bunches of broccolini stir-fried with garlic + tamari and topped with vegan mayo for the win! My girlfriend, made whole roasted cauliflower and baked pumpkin. It was a feast! Again, there were abundant left-overs. 💚 The lesson? When staying with non-vegan friends, try to make your food as simple and delicious as possible. Make enough to share generously and know that you are planting little seeds as well as staying on track with your own goals.
New comment Aug 16
Travel Tips for Healthy Plant-Based Meals!
1 like • Aug 14
Thanks for posting these tips! 💯 My tip is to bring your own food if you can. We went on a road trip this summer and stayed in a hotel with a small kitchen. We brought and made our own food (we went grocery shopping when we were there too); making and being in control of our own food was one of the best decisions we made! We didn't eat out at all, which saves money too. 😃
Can I support you more? (your feedback is valuable)
🎯 So we've reached the end of the 30 Day Plant Positive Jumpstart and I'd LOVE your feedback please? 🎯 ✅ What is ONE thing I could improve so the Plant Positive Membership is more impactful in your life? Over the past 30 days specifically: Was there too much? Was there not enough? I've listed some ideas however please comment your suggestions. It would mean a lot. 🤔 My thoughts! Deciding ONE most important habit was hugely impactful for me. A set timeframe held me accountable and the results motivate me to continue. In short, the new habit I've been struggling with for 24+ months is locked and loaded, so that's a WIN. I am super grateful for the positive, supportive comments - so Thank You. Community, is something I'm committed to building. A safe, supportive space. I think we did well for the small number of members however I would love so much more interaction / participation. 🙏 Over to YOU! For the membership as a whole and for a 30 Day Jumpstart specifically what would be of most value?
4 members have voted
New comment Jul 8
Can I support you more? (your feedback is valuable)
1 like • Jul 7
I voted for more support and accountability. I liked the days with motivational prompts, or prompts for action, sharing nuggets of wisdom, etc. 👍😃
1 like • Jul 7
@Kate Galli @Chris Larkin I agree with community being important! I appreciate you creating this community, Kate. 🫶 I don't have any vegan friends, but I did recently sign up for some meetup groups, I haven't been to any events yet though.
Monday Motivation!
Everything counts. Move at your own pace. Know there is no such thing as failure or a "bad vegan!" In fact this group is ALL about being more Plant Positive. Do it for YOU at the right time for you. Whether it's fitness, finances or food... too much pressure (especially self-imposed) or perfectionist standards make it: A) Likely you give up before even trying. B) Likely you "fall off the wagon" fast and count that as another reference point for, "Why this is too hard." Or, "Why I'm rubbish at this." ✅ Instead, lower the bar of expectation to raise your chance of success. ✅ Focus on your WINS and also your learnings. ✅ Give yourself the grace and kindness that you would show the person you love most.
New comment Jun 26
Monday Motivation!
1 like • Jun 25
Great post!
1-10 of 12
Shaun Bk
3points to level up
Vegan for 10+ years, wish I would have started earlier. Always looking to improve my health, fitness routine, and areas around animal activism. ✌️💖🌱

Active 7d ago
Joined May 26, 2024
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