Travel Tips for Healthy Plant-Based Meals!
I just got back from 5 nights in my old home city, Sydney.
It was such a lovely trip. So many catch-ups with dear friends. I thought it might be useful to share the strategies that helped me stay on track with exercise and nutrition.
๐ŸŽฏ First, I had a PLAN for exercise either side of the trip.
Normally, I lift weights 4 days a week. I did not want that to change.
โœ… Prior to travel, I lifted Mon, Tues, Wed so then I just needed to get to my old gym one day while I was away.
โœ… On return from travel, I lifted Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat.
๐Ÿ’š The lesson? If it's important enough you can make it work.
Normally, I walk AT LEAST 40 minutes a day. I organised 3 walking catch ups in Sydney AND none of them eventuated - we just sat and chatted!!! It's ok though, I walked A LOT on my own, often before the friends I was staying with were awake.
๐Ÿ’š The lesson? Flexibility and fun is important. My intention was to maintain my healthy lifestyle while also prioritising time with people I love.
๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ Second, I had an idea of easy Go2 snacks and meals for my time away.
โœ… Roasted edamame, chickpeas, nuts and fruit are easy to find snacks at any supermarket.
I cooked an easy meal in for friends twice.
โœ… Meal one, was baked smashed potatoes (always a crowd pleaser) + store bought vegan burgers (easy win!) + my Go2 Salad of baby spinach+rocket and baked pumpkin with edamame, pepitas, craisens, balsamic glaze and store bought hummus with caramelised onion. (abundant, balanced plant-based meal in itself) I made enough for left-overs for lunch the next day.
โœ… Meal two, was baked smashed potatoes (why change what isn't broken?) + different bought vegan burgers + a couple of bunches of broccolini stir-fried with garlic + tamari and topped with vegan mayo for the win! My girlfriend, made whole roasted cauliflower and baked pumpkin. It was a feast! Again, there were abundant left-overs.
๐Ÿ’š The lesson? When staying with non-vegan friends, try to make your food as simple and delicious as possible. Make enough to share generously and know that you are planting little seeds as well as staying on track with your own goals.
๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ Third, I left easy to prepare food for my return home to Noosa.
Home made burgers in the freezer. Quick cooking red lentils and stock in the pantry. Frozen Brussels and cauliflower that just need a dash of macadamia oil and salt before being baked in a hot oven for 45 minutes.
๐Ÿ’š The lesson? It's not about how much you travel, it's about the planning you do to stay "on track" before, during and after travel.
Love to hear YOUR travel tips? Equally, if you have travel "struggles" please share them too and we can all try to problem solve for you!
Kate Galli
Travel Tips for Healthy Plant-Based Meals!
Plant Positive
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