Sunday Self-care!
"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." Seneca.
What hardship are you imagining that you can let go of?
I'll go first!
Often I get caught up in thinking about how much I "have" to get done in the week to come.
When actually most of what I do is a pleasure and a privilege. Both the paid and the unpaid.
When I consider the prices people pay for the lives they live, usually I would not want to swap.... because when you consider what someone "has" that you might want, you must also consider what they have given up or sacrificed.
Also, most of my "have to's"?
They are, "get to's" and "want to's" AND, the world will not stop if I don't get to them!
YOUR turn!
In the Plant Positive Journal I share a SUNDAY self-care option every week.
You can download your FREE copy of the journal here:
Kate Galli
Sunday Self-care!
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