Write something
Do YOUR best!
In the world we live in today, what does it even mean to be or do YOUR best!?🙄 Every single way you look you are forced to believe you need to be as good as this person or that person or have this or have that!!🙁 We are forced daily, almost hourly, to buy into the lie of comparison!!😩 When you buy into that lie you will never be able to accomplish what it is YOU truly desire because the truth is YOU don’t even know what it is YOU desire!😤 I want you to really dig deep this week to define what it is YOU want to achieve!!😎
New comment 2d ago
Do YOUR best!
✨ Labor Day Motivation: Time to Refocus and Crush Your Goals! ✨
✨ Labor Day Motivation: Time to Refocus and Crush Your Goals! ✨ Happy Labor Day, everyone! 🎉 Today, as we take a break from our usual routines, it’s the perfect moment to reflect and reset for the weeks ahead. 💡 Mindset is Everything: Remember, every day is an opportunity to move closer to your goals. Whether you’re just starting or have been on your fitness journey for a while, today is a reminder to keep pushing forward. It’s okay to celebrate how far you’ve come, but it’s also important to refocus on where you’re headed. 🗓️ Plan for Success: Use today to set clear intentions for the week and month ahead. What do you want to achieve? How will you get there? Write it down, visualize your success, and make a commitment to yourself. 💪 Small Wins, Big Impact: Don’t underestimate the power of small, consistent actions. Whether it’s adding an extra glass of water to your day, squeezing in a quick workout, or making a healthier food choice—each step counts and brings you closer to your goals. 🔥 Stay Focused: Distractions will come, but your goals are worth the effort. Keep your why in mind—why did you start this journey? Let that be your driving force. 🚀 Let’s Crush This Week Together: We’re in this as a community, supporting and cheering each other on. Let’s make this week the start of something amazing. Set your intentions, get focused, and let’s crush our goals together! Drop a comment below with your goals for this week and let’s hold each other accountable! 💯
New comment 3d ago
✨ Labor Day Motivation: Time to Refocus and Crush Your Goals! ✨
🌟 Transform Negative Thoughts Into Positive Power!
Hey everyone! 💪 We all have moments where negative thoughts creep in, but guess what? You have the power to flip the script and turn those thoughts into positivity! ✨ Here’s a list of common negative thoughts that you can swap out for empowering, positive ones. Let’s challenge ourselves to embrace a positive mindset this month! 🧠 👇 Negative Thoughts → Positive Thoughts 👇 1. ❌ “I’m not good enough” → ✅ “I am capable of becoming great!” 2. ❌ “I’ll never succeed” → ✅ “I am on the path to success with every step I take.” 3. ❌ “I always fail” → ✅ “I learn and grow from every challenge.” 4. ❌ “I’m too tired” → ✅ “I have the energy to push through and finish strong.” 5. ❌ “It’s too hard” → ✅ “I am strong enough to handle hard things.” 6. ❌ “I can’t do this” → ✅ “I am capable of overcoming any obstacle.” 7. ❌ “I’m not smart enough” → ✅ “I have the ability to learn and improve every day.” 8. ❌ “I’m not worthy” → ✅ “I am deserving of success and happiness.” 9. ❌ “I’ll never be like them” → ✅ “I am on my own unique journey to success.” 10. ❌ “I can’t change” → ✅ “I am evolving and improving every day.” 11. ❌ “I’m a failure” → ✅ “I am a work in progress, constantly growing.” 12. ❌ “Nobody likes me” → ✅ “I am surrounded by people who value and care about me.” 13. ❌ “I don’t deserve happiness” → ✅ “I am worthy of all the happiness that comes my way.” 14. ❌ “I’m not talented enough” → ✅ “My unique talents and skills make me special.” 15. ❌ “I’ve made too many mistakes” → ✅ “My mistakes help me grow and succeed.” 16. ❌ “I don’t have time” → ✅ “I make time for the things that matter to me.” 17. ❌ “I’m too old to start now” → ✅ “It’s never too late to make positive changes.” 18. ❌ “It’s impossible” → ✅ “Everything is possible with effort and belief.” 19. ❌ “I’m not attractive” → ✅ “I love and appreciate my body for all it can do.” 20. ❌ “I’m not strong enough” → ✅ “I am stronger than I realize.” 21. ❌ “I’ll never be fit” → ✅ “With consistency, I can achieve my fitness goals.” 22. ❌ “I’m too scared to try” → ✅ “Courage comes from trying, and I am brave enough.”
New comment 3d ago
🌟 Transform Negative Thoughts Into Positive Power!
Killing the A.N.T.s 🐜
Are you ready for a mindset upgrade? Let’s get into it! I want you to imagine the person in your life that you have the most trust in, the person that you trust to know everything about you. ❤️ You tell this person your hopes, dreams, fears, your deepest secrets... EVERYTHING! 💯 Now- imagine if this person that you TRUST with EVERYTHING, told you every single day multiple times a day things like: -You’re stupid -You’re slow -You’re ideas are dumb -You’re fat -You’re an idiot -You’re a failure -You make bad decisions And tons of other NEGATIVE statements. Would you still trust that person? Would you still share things with that person? Would you be HURT by that person? Would you, at some point, after hearing those statements over and over again start to believe that person? Well- here’s the truth. THAT PERSON IS YOU! 🫵 The person that knows all of our hopes, dreams, and fears is YOU. And- I would bet everything that I have, that YOU are also the person that is your biggest critic- and says the MEANEST things to you. Things that you would NEVER say outloud- and- things that you would NEVER say to your children, family, friends or anyone that you care about. And let’s be honest- the list up above is probably PG and NICER than the things that you actually say to yourself… Right? But- for some reason we are ok saying them to ourselves. I like to call these statements A.N.Ts AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS So it’s time to KILL THE A.N.Ts 🐜 The reason this is so important is because YOUR BRAIN DOES NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between things that we think- and things that we say out loud. So- when your brain hears them- it believes them to be TRUE and a vicious cycle begins- of our belief system creating our identity and our actions being compromised by the person looking at you in the mirror! So- how do we fix this? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ By recognizing when it happens and stopping it- here are the action steps. #1- when you have an A.N.T.- recognize it #2- SAY IT OUT LOUD!
New comment 3d ago
Killing the A.N.T.s 🐜
Just in case you need a little reminder today! Make it a great weekend! 👊😎 What are you going to do to make your future self proud this weekend!?? 👇👇
New comment 19d ago
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