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Brojo: The Integrity Army

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8 contributions to Brojo: The Integrity Army
Recent Realizations on Building Authentic Mental Power
One of the potentially troubling aspects of seeking to live with integrity is the sheer pervasiveness of ideological cultural control. Namely, it is structurally built into our knowledge and the main purpose of contemporary social science is propagandize for hegemonic values. Foucault has done masterful lifetime work as far as historically how language structure power, but there are many precedents. If you read the existentialists, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, a central theme is the sheer difficulty, mental fortitude, and strong vigilance required to live and decide by praxis / "Will to Power" / "Being in Nothing" etc. which are all concepts centering around personal integrity. Often personal hubris leads people to take on new values confidently, but really they've been mentally entrapped by some competing ideology. In that sense, since no one is the uberman, and it would be mentally exhausting to be so, it is actually sensible to find and appropriate a meta-narrative. The point is, now, that the meta-narrative is to be CHOSEN deliberately, rather than merely absorbed by osmosis in one's cultural milieu. I had recently gone rather "Doomer" as far as my overall mindset towards the world at large. And while some specific details may have merit as far as political and economic history, as a way of living life, and also in relating to people, it's not empowering or useful. At the same time, the instinct towards "doomer" thinking was natural, but it should be made more precise. Rather, I reject not meta-narrative itself, but the two predominant cultural ideologies of our contemporary period of time in the West. These would be Christendom -- it had a good run, the protestant work ethic brought a lot of historical prosperity, but it had it's day and now it is justifiably disappearing from being compelling to people. The other one is decadence, as associated with the progressive urban monoculture, based on the principle that one's impulsive emotions and desires are valid and should be accommodated and even prioritized.
New comment 6d ago
Morning means Morning
I thought I had my morning routine of breakfast+writing+exercise sorted, but it turns out there were some weak spots that needed attention. My takeaways from the Brojo course on Morning Routine… Morning means Morning: I’ve been undermining my priorities and the effectiveness of my routine by being unnecessarily “flexible” about my work hours. Time to toughen up. Being Mindfully Social: The temptation to check my inbox and professional network feed first thing in the morning is strong, but often makes me feel overwhelmed. Park it. No More Auto-Pilot: When I sit down at my desk, I’ve started checking in with my values and challenging myself on why I’m doing what I’m doing each day. Am I moving in the direction of my goals, in line with my values, or just moving? Always Stronger: What is one thing I can do today to strengthen my integrity? I'll be keeping it front of mind until it’s done. Onward.
New comment 26d ago
3 likes • 26d
All things I need to work on as well, thanks for putting this out there!
What is love?
New post, love to hear your thoughts on this one...
New comment 25d ago
4 likes • 29d
Please let me know if there is a policy against external links I should be aware of, but it turns out there is a recent video from Orion Tariban on exactly this same question, with rather similar conclusions:
0 likes • 26d
@Aaron Frater Yes, sometimes he is a bit too "conventional red pill talking points" for me, but he has some real insightful content sometimes. His take on masculinity is spot on, IMO: and this analogy for how to consider the meaning of life is very astute as well:
Introduction and question about casual sex.
Hi, I just joined the group. So I'll take the chance to introduce myself and ask my first question all at once: My name is Calogero and come from Italy but live in the UK. I've been struggling with nice guy syndrome for most of my life. I was listening to Dan podcast about what is self confidence and how to work on it. At some point he lists all the habits that lower self confidence and among them there is casual sex. Now, I believe there is nothing bad with 2 consenting adults having sex also if it doesn't lead to a relationship. I feel attraction for women I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with and while I'm single and honest I believe there's nothing bad about pursuing casual relationships with them. In this case it's not treated as a way to getting high or short term gratification but as a way to explore myself and my sexuality as in the past I didn't have much chance to do that. I believe it can be compared to sweets: everyone likes them, if you binge on them that's bad, if you care about nutrition but every now and them treat yourself to a treat that's good. I think it's even better than avoiding sweets at all because it shows you have control over it and don't deny yourself of a treat when it's healthy to do so. I wanted to say that because I don't like moralism or categorizing things as bad disregarding the context. pursuing casual sex for getting value or to get high on short term gratification is a thing, pursuing casual sex as a pleasurable experience you have control over is another. It's actually a good way of knowing yourself but apart from that I wanted just to underline the fact there is nothing bad with it even tho I know a meaningful relationship is way better. That's my perspective. I welcome anyone who want to discuss it to reply.
New comment 19d ago
2 likes • 26d
I don't think Dan said casual sex lowers self confidence, and it doesn't seem like a "Brojo-ism". Integrity is more about the why than the what If you are out and about, you have a couple hours free in the near future, and then you see a woman whose appearance turns you on, then you go up and talk to her, you can see that she likes you to, and then you proceed with telling her what you'd like to do to her and then you take her home and get that done, I don't see how anyone could say there is anything wrong with that whatsoever But often, and perhaps even most of the time, people pursue casual sex obsessively, that is spend way too much time on something that is just a fun hobby. Also people use casual sex as escapism from other problems, and also seek validation through sexual conquest. I think Dan was pointing this out as a very common phenomenon among men. Same thing goes for relationships, though, from what I see. If a man thinks consciously and deliberately "I would like to have and raise a child, and in the place where I am living and happy to live in, a monogamous long term relationship appears to be the most straightforward institution by which to do that, and so I will find a woman with good mother qualities and proceed" that's an integrity-based relationship search. But it seems few men do exactly that. Rather, they pursue relationships because they feel they have to, or out of loneliness, or other less conscious reasons. Ultimately, since long term monogamous relationships were only culturally invented fairly recently, a desire for a relationship without an underlying reason reflecting long term goals appears to be a subconscious reach for social approval/acceptance/status If you are interested in casual sex as well as the Brojo philosophy, I HIGHLY recommend studying Alan Roger Currie (RIP) and his Mode One approach of being "up front, straightforward, and honest". He mentored me for a bit as well and is just as "religious" about integrity as Dan is. Even if you aren't interested that much in casual sex, his approach helped me immensely as far as mitigating the sexual shame Brojo talks about.
Insecurity and Priorities
I realized an important thing regarding a link between today's lesson and something Brojo had told me. I have a research collaboration with Universities, government institutes, etc. in Kenya to do AI for optimizing Agroforestry. I applied to a European Horizon grant but didn't receive it, and will try again for an ERC, which is a different but still very competitive funding source, with a deadline in January After a professional deadline this Sep 1, it seems logical that this, and research towards papers submitted that are topical could help my effort, including my own and ongoing collaborations with Kenya, should be the priority for me professionally. It would be meaningful and fulfilling to do the work described in the proposal, as far as using math to improve the lives of smallholder farmers, and even the preliminary work would be interesting and useful. But I think a combination of self doubt as to the probability that I'll get this project funded and so concern about getting overinvested emotionally, as well as concern that others would get upset if I postpone work with them that isn't related until the proposal deadline, is nagging as far actually making it the rightful priority post Sep 1. And statistically of course, the expected gain of positive "utility" is highest if I do prioritize. Also they are counting on me there to give it my all, from the community farmer organizations to the Ministry of Water, so as a matter of integrity it's also what I need to do. So I hope to report later updates commenting on this post as to my efforts towards this struggle. Thanks for helping with getting me to this insight Dan!
New comment 28d ago
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