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Brojo: The Integrity Army

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55 contributions to Brojo: The Integrity Army
Why You Must Respect Your Feelings
New full length video out today! This is an excerpt from my course: Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery & Social Confidence Building This video looks at the importance of embracing emotions without shame to foster genuine connections and build your assertiveness. Societal conditioning often leads men to suppress emotions like anger, sadness, and fear, which are essential for motivation, courage, and personal growth. Emotions should be expressed verbally and rationally, rather than being suppressed or acted upon impulsively. Let's explore a practical approach to emotional expression, encouraging men to identify and articulate their emotions regularly. Watch the full video here:
New comment 21h ago
Why You Must Respect Your Feelings
1 like • 21h
@Daniel Munro Poetry dude. Bare bones, no bullshit, game-changing poetry. One of my favourite lessons.
Six Behaviors to Increase Your Confidence
All right, here are 6 confidence building tips: ONE—Make “No” your default answer to any request. People must convince you to give up your time. TWO—Before responding to someone pause and ask yourself: “What is the true answer?” Try and make yourself more honest. THREE—Exercise and eat healthy, at least 80% of the time. FOUR—Move slowly and never rush. Don't panic or follow the urges of other people to move more quickly. FIVE—When faced with multiple options, try to choose the least comfortable one, just to develop your courage. SIX— Write a bullet journal. At the end of every day, write a list of all the things that you did or achieve without undermining yourself or dismissing and qualifying your action. Just write a list of what you did and ignore everything you didn't do. Hope this helps.
New comment 22h ago
Six Behaviors to Increase Your Confidence
1 like • 22h
#1 has my name all over it. Thanks!
'Fake It Till You Make It' vs. Authentic Confidence
A guy asked me what's the difference between the “fake it til you make it” attitude and “being more authentically confident”, since being more confident often feels like being fake. There are a couple of key differences. When you fake it, you’re doing something that you don't actually align with, in terms of your core values. For example, you're pretending to be someone else or you keep doing things to impresses other people. However, you don't feel that these actions are genuine to who you really are. Similarly, when you are doing something new, you may be pretending to feel confident when you don’t really feel that way. Being more authentic doesn’t require you to be fake in any way. First off, all you've got to do is to be aligned with your core values, more than usual. Just because it's unfamiliar, doesn't mean it's fake! Odds are, you've been fake your whole life and now you're finally being real. At the same time, don't pretend that you feel confident doing it. You can admit to being nervous or unsure of yourself. You can show that this is unfamiliar. There's no reason to pretend.
New comment 2d ago
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@Kent Curry first time I've encountered the expression "emotional temperature" - a useful phrase. I'm discovering that I haven't given the people around me enough credit. The chances of them thinking poorly of me are much slimmer than I've feared. So far, sharing my vulnerability has only made my connections stronger.
30 day challenge
Where in the world are you from? Tauranga, NZ Why have you joined this 30 day challenge? To improve current relationships and build new ones with awesome people. What is your biggest social challenge right now? Speaking loudly (Possibly some fear around others in the room hearing me)
New comment 2d ago
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Gday Mitch! Donelle from Dunedin :)
Intermittent - Courage Practice - diary.....
I know my courage and bravery have been showing up on their own since commtiting to Brojo.... and I know I have consciously, at timers, courted them .... I think I made some notes of things to show this in behavioral terms... but, I cannot recall the others right now.. But right now, I want to recorded yesterdays win.... I did an MRI scan ! Which may not sound a lot to some, but I am intensely claustrophobic (and have a fear of heights, I have flown once in the last 20 years)... I had actully been in an MRI 2 times before, but that was in my 2 year illness, when I was a walking skeleton (I barely fit in an MRI tube now days !) and I was so out of it in agony, and full of drugs, I did not really notice the procedures .... I fricken noticed it yesterday ! all 45 minutes(felt like 2or 3 hours!) of it.... but, after 1 false start and a panic, .. I got back in and coped with the cascade of passing emotions and sensations , and the bloody noise it made! So, that's quite a win for me !
New comment 6h ago
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Bravo Aaron. Onward!
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Donelle McKinley
293points to level up
Wordsmith and Life Hacker helping people to climb mountains of positive change

Active 27m ago
Joined Jul 19, 2024
New Zealand
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